The Vanity Fair article, written by reporter Jennet Conant, cites unnamed former aides to the mayor.
His brother, two former aides and two businessmen were also indicted by the federal grand jury.
But nobody, it is said, resented his promotion more than the man he replaced, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, some of whose former aides hold influential posts in the hierarchy.
Three of Mr Carey's former aides have pleaded guilty to diverting money from the union's treasury into Mr Carey's campaign last year, and their testimony damns several weighty figures.
It is less common to dictate an entire speech for another elected official or speaker who doesn't work for their administration, said former aides to public officials and political observers.
But if, as seems likely, Obama will have just one chance of achieving a major piece of domestic legislation in his second term, the most promising focus, according to current and former aides, would be on immigration.
Ecuador countered by releasing what purports to be Reyes's diary, which implicates disgraced former aides of Mr Correa in accepting FARC money but not the president himself. (Colombia reckons the document is fabricated.) Until it gets active co-operation from all its neighbours in fighting the FARC and other drug traffickers, Colombia will conclude that it must rely on American support.
The group is led by former Obama campaign aides and former White House officials.
WSJ: Obama Treads Carefully on Deficit Talks With Republicans
The ad blitz is being funded not by the Mitt Romney campaign, but by a super pac called Restore Our Future, which is run by former Romney aides.
Federal-election reports indicate that twenty-seven of those billionaires have given large donations to Restore Our Future, which was founded by former Romney aides, and to American Crossroads, which was conceived by the Republican political operative Karl Rove.
Priorities USA is headed by two former White House aides, Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney.
Current and former White House aides said Obama's approach to the issue has been heavily influenced by his experience as the father of two school-age daughters.
Starr also says that the White House has already given his investigation notes from similar conversations between other administration figures, such as former White House aides Bernard Nussbaum and Maggie Williams, and government lawyers.
CNN: AllPolitics - Starr Objects To White House's Supreme Court Appeal
So the question is, how can he now stand by idly and just say -- one of his former White House aides is running this thing that says that Mitt Romney may have had something to do with someone's death?
When his counterpart, James Baker, appears in the briefing room they share, the former Secretary of State brings aides, files and a bank of supplementary flags to solemnify his surroundings.
He has been in the spotlight in Brazil in the last two months as the rapporteur of the case against some of former President Lula's key aides.
BBC: Barbosa made first black head of Brazil's Supreme Court
President Bush and his aides also were embarrassed after nominating former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik to be the homeland security secretary.
Mr Mubarak's former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly and six aides are also being retried on the charges relating to the killing of protesters in 2011.
BBC: Ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's retrial starts
In 1940, in Romania, the pro-Nazi Iron Guard slaughtered more than 60 aides of the exiled king, including former Prime Minister Nicolae Jorga.
The State Department bureaucracy is critical of her habit of surrounding herself with loyalists such as Cheryl Mills, a former White House lawyer who was one of her most important aides during the final days of her presidential campaign.
Her aides are particularly concerned about Luiz Antonio Pagot, a former senior transport official who resigned last year after being accused of corruption.
But she wrote that she'd been considering leaving the Senate for several months, confiding in her husband, former Maine Gov. John McKernan, and a handful of trusted aides.
Obama's aides say he will address the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor at the Trinity Unity Church of Christ, in Chicago.
One of Musharraf's aides, Saima Ali Dada, declined to say whether the former leader would appear in person before the judges or send a lawyer, citing security reasons.
The media also covered this development: Palin also just hired a lawyer to represent her during investigations of whether there was an abuse of power when her aides pressured the head of the state police to run her former brother-in-law off the force.
It was alleged by critics that senior White House aides had revealed the information as revenge against Ms Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, for an article in which he debunked some of the justification for invading Iraq.
Another name being mentioned by aides as a potential prime minister is Martine Aubry, the Socialist party head and a former cabinet minister who presided over the introduction of the 35-hour workweek in the late 1990s.
Still, aides close to the Obama transition team say the president-elect is on track to nominate his former rival to the secretary of state post next week.
The News of the World's admission to Ms Miller marks a new chapter in a scandal which dates back to 2006, when the paper's former royal editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire were jailed for hacking into the mobile phone voicemails of royal aides.