Though pianists can be formidably accomplished, a certain musical and personal dimension often seems to be missing.
Mrs Clinton is highly intelligent, formidably hard-working and, though not exactly a foreign-policy expert, knows many world leaders.
As speeds increase, in a formidably leisurely way, the car starts to wilt.
As a matter of fact, this former Cambridge philosopher is formidably bright, albeit in an endearing and non-intimidating way.
Since women comprise half of the managers and other professionals in the American workforce, the glass ceiling still seems formidably thick.
With faster reactions, intimate knowledge of the game and troops that are better equipped, a game can be made formidably hard.
And being made from the straightest of the straight-grained hinoki tree (Japanese cypress), it is a formidably expensive piece of wood.
The elder of two sons in a formidably intelligent and high-minded family, he was from a missionary background on both sides.
But he points out that America's global alliance system of more than 60 countries, accounting for 80% of world military spending, remains formidably strong.
Japan's leading airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA), has been using such e-wallets to compete with the country's formidably fast trains for more than five years.
Undeterred by formidably sub-zero winter temperatures, Lars and his crab safari team regularly dive off the side of an inflatable Zodiac to a depth of 25 metres in search of crabs.
Making a prediction based only on text may at first glance seem myopic because it ignores most of the formidably complex interplay of candidate personality, voter sentiment, and popular issues that ultimately determines the outcome of an election.
FORBES: How Mathematical Modeling Of Speech Text Can Predict Presidential Election Outcomes
Of course, if you happen to be a pacifist by conviction, you probably hate all that Alexander stood for as well as what he did in war, but, if the premise of war be granted, he was surely a formidably great generalissimo.
FORBES: Two Great Historians On Alexander the Great, Part One
Tony, a tough little Cockney from London's East End, wanted to be a jockey and didn't make it, but he managed to pass The Knowledge, the formidably difficult test for London taxi drivers, then buy his own taxi and earn a good living for himself and his family.
WSJ: Film Review: Life, Not by the Numbers by Joe Morgenstern