• So Button graduated to car racing as a 17-year-old in 1998 in the British Formula Ford championship.

    BBC: How good is Button?

  • The Cardinal had already presented last November his resignation in view of his 75th birthday on 17 March 2013, and it was accepted by the Holy Father with the formula nunc pro tunc (now for later).

    BBC: Cardinal Keith O'Brien resignation: Statement in full

  • Their 17-month-old son became malnourished because they couldn't afford to buy formula to substitute for Lalramchhuani's now unsafe breast milk.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Pfizer stock is up 17% this year because investors hope Pfizer will decide to spin out businesses that sell baby formula and veterinary medicines.

    FORBES: Pfizer's Key Drug Walks A Tightrope

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