Richie Byrne, a genial forty-nine-year-old who wears relaxed jeans and untucked shirttails, has been with the show since it began, in 2009.
Forty-nine-year-old Al Megrahi's co-accused Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah was acquitted at the same time by the court, specially convened at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands.
Forty-nine vessels - oil skimmers, tugboats barges and special recovery boats that separate oil from water - were meanwhile working to round up oil, BP said.
Forty-nine senators have co-sponsored the bill, including all 45 Democrats and Republican Sens.
When she was in the middle in a case, she would, in effect, give one side fifty-one per cent and the other forty-nine.
College is broadly accessible: sixty-eight per cent of high-school graduates now go on to college (in 1980, only forty-nine per cent did), and employers continue to reward the credential, which means that there is still some selection going on.
Of the forty-nine people invited to the training camp, twenty-three made the cut and were hired as apprentice advisers.
In 2006 and 2008, sixteen Democrats entered the Senate, giving the Party its current majority of fifty-nine to forty-one (counting two independents).
Forty-nine percent of the surveyed indicated they were independent and not affiliated with any political party.
Forty-nine states later, the piece was heard in Alaska, performed by the Juneau Symphony in June 2007.
And in pooled results from two studies, forty-nine patients on Simdax died, compared to 40 in the placebo group.
Cantor, who is forty-nine, is slight and speaks in a nasal Southern drawl.
And Wilpon has now suggested that he may be willing to sell up to forty-nine per cent of the team.
Forty-nine states allow gun owners to carry concealed weapons outside of their home for protection, including in some cases, bars.
Forty-nine percent and 61% of overweight and obese adolescents, respectively, had at least one risk factor, compared to just 37% of normal-weight kids.
He would soon complete The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Short Stories (1938) and start work on For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940).
Deutschlander says that last year his firm interviewed about a thousand people, and found forty-nine it liked, a ratio of twenty interviewees to one candidate.
Forty-nine percent said that Obama's new style of diplomacy is broadly in line with their own beliefs, while 47% said his style clashed with their beliefs.
Khan, a dishevelled, overweight woman of forty-nine, allowed the F.
Forty-nine of these versions were in European languages or dialects.
Forty-nine people are said to have died across 12 states and many small farmers say the flooding has devastated this year's crops, the BBC's Gary Duffy reports from Sao Paulo.
With the editorial support of Walter Murch, Coppola has revisited the scene of his movie and recut from the original dailies, adding, along the way, some forty-nine minutes of excised footage.
There was a stack of a hundred and forty-nine Bollywood posters that he had bought in Mumbai, and a Christian Louboutin Cat Burglar Barbie, wearing a black latex catsuit and many-buckled sandals.
Chickens, for instance, never see daylight, but are mostly kept in long, dark, stifling sheds where they stand in their own waste, fatted with corn until they are slaughtered, in a mere forty-nine days.
The Casey Institute is aware, moreover, of congressional warnings to her and every one of her forty-nine counterparts in other states concerning the potential penetration of their respective public pension funds by global bad actors.
Forty-nine days until this election.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event -- 40/40 Club