He and his partner already had forty thousand users and were maxing out their credit cards.
Forty thousand Iraqi security forces would set up hundreds of checkpoints and crush the insurgents.
Forty thousand people die every year on American highways and many more get serious injuries.
At the start of 2013, eBay alone had more than forty thousand fossils, rocks, and minerals for sale.
Today, the Joyce is a leading center for dance performance, attracting nearly a hundred and forty thousand audience members each year.
Forty thousand years ago, their long-lost Homo sapiens cousins from Africa began to show their high-browed, dark-skinned faces in Neanderthals' haunts.
Not long ago, I found myself sitting at the edge of a field with a bear and thirty or forty thousand very angry bees.
The company favors a specific demographic: neighborhoods with median incomes of less than forty thousand dollars and a population that is at least twenty-five-per-cent African-American.
Hedge funds date to 1949, when Alfred Winslow Jones, a writer at Fortune, opened a private investment firm using sixty thousand dollars he had raised from friends and forty thousand he had saved.
Forty-thousand nanoseconds is 40 thousand feet, so you see the problem.
By now, users have submitted more than forty-three thousand quizzes to the site.
Forty-five thousand Iraqis had officially registered as refugees, and more were signing up every day, amid reports that the Syrian regime was about to tighten its visa policy and had begun turning people back at the border.
You could run the firm with forty or fifty people instead of a thousand, and it would be basically the same.
Deutschlander says that last year his firm interviewed about a thousand people, and found forty-nine it liked, a ratio of twenty interviewees to one candidate.
At 3:58, just two minutes before the markets closed, Rajaratnam gave an order to buy three hundred and fifty thousand shares of Goldman stock, worth forty-three million dollars.
In response to nearly a thousand queries, the Scientology delegation handed over forty-eight binders of supporting material, stretching nearly seven linear feet.
About forty contributors, many of them from Wall Street, had paid thirty thousand dollars each to dine with him.
At six shows an hour, five hours a day, five days a week, forty weeks a year, that works out to at least eighty-one thousand pockets picked.
One study cited by federal health officials estimates that, in 2008, obesity cost the U.S. a hundred and forty-seven billion dollars in health-care charges and resulted in about three hundred thousand deaths.