Most western consumers are amateur enthusiasts like Fos, eagerly grabbing the latest miracle off the shelf.
The deluge of PPI complaints to banks, and then the FOS, started in 2010.
If there is an innocence about Fos's entrancement with all that glitters, there is also something dark.
The FOS reported recently that they accounted for 30% of all the new complaints it dealt with in 2009-10.
In July 2012, the FOS reviewed the case and upheld Andrew's complaint against Countrywide concluding the policy was missold.
Marc Gander of the Consmer Action Group said the FOS figures showed that banks were still not treating some customers fairly.
Decreased Fos in the amygdala, the brain's emotional processing center, suggests the olfactory signals suppressed amygdala activation, and possibly fear, researchers said.
Mr Daniels had planned to complain to the FOS and so had Dinny Reed, who runs a honey farm near the village of Kingsley in Hampshire.
The Financial Services Authority has extended the normal six-month deadline for people to go to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) if a firm turns down their original complaint.
One factor that may have weighed on the bank's mind is that every one of the affected customers could have taken their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
Earlier this year, banks and building societies and even the FOS itself complained they were being deluged with spurious complaints submitted on behalf of customers by claims management companies (CMCs).
Analysis of the brains of the euthanized rats revealed decreased levels of Fos, a protein marker of neuronal activity, in the amygdala region of the brain while the olfactory signals appeared to block fear responses.
But in the meantime, it wants to ensure that all those whose complaints had been rejected by firms since the end of last November will be encouraged to go to the FOS if they want to complain further.
The main reason for the rising number of complaints - to banks, insurers and then the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) - is that the possibility of this sort of change was sometimes not made clear in the first place.
BBC: Whole-of-life insurance: Why complaints are rising fast
He decided to take his case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), but they decided that there was no evidence to suggest the policy had been mis-sold and the Ombudsman's initial response was to say that they were not inclined to uphold his complaint.