The Kligers settled in Brooklyn, their boy briefly in foster care when his mother fell ill.
Her mother, Foster said a week or so after the January event, had cried every day since.
Astrid, the 15-year-old daughter of a steely, strong-willed artist played by Michelle Pfeiffer, finds herself consigned to the random indignities of foster care after her mother is sent to prison for killing a boyfriend.
You've got a small child that suddenly gets sent into some foster care system and the mother is sent away.
Fred Tate (Adam Hann-Byrd) is a seven-year-old intellectual prodigy who lives with his single, working-class mother, Dede (Jodie Foster).
Perhaps Foster has no desire to relive fraught mother-daughter dynamics.
Reuniting with children who've been in foster care can be contingent upon the mother finding income and a stable home, but some ex-offenders aren't eligible for public housing in New York.
Margaret McDonough was a mother of five grown children and a foster carer.
Mother tongue education and learning languages were also highlighted as a means to foster dialogue and openness towards others.
His foster father, Steve Griffiths from Faversham, said he fled to Pakistan with his mother, who is still there, after his relatives were killed.
Her mother had been an alcoholic, and Price had grown up in a series of foster homes, attending fourteen different schools.
The court earlier heard the brothers, who were placed in foster care a few months before the attack, had a chaotic upbringing with their violent father, mother and five brothers.
The lawyers said after a period in foster care, the council social services team decided it was in her best interests to move back with her mother permanently and she remained there until she left home at 18.