One such device was found by Theo while supporting 11 Platoon 1 Royal Irish Regiment.
The idea was that the person who found it would have a fabulous prize.
Eventually in March 1998, I had a colonoscopy and a 10cm (4in) tumour was found.
Since 2009, Alvarez says more than 1, 000 young people have found hope through the program.
Four of the five Great Apes are found here: Mountain gorillas, Lowland gorillas, Chimpanzees and Bonobos.
Another artist joked morbidly that one day Picasso would be found hanging behind "his giant canvas".
Now many images can be found on a unified website, including The Gough Map.
Foodies are intrigued by the local cuisine - the bread, cheese and sweets found only here.
If found guilty of serious professional misconduct he could be permanently erased from the medical register.
The good news is that it found that some business travel might be good for you.
We were looking for grayling, a breed of fish found only in cold subarctic waters.
Except for a few camps, soldiers are no longer found at the various sites.
The hosts found the going difficult in bowler-friendly conditions, justifying Bangladesh's decision to bowl first.
The SEC named Charles Ellis , an expert on money management, to found it.
He found that McCaw had paging companies operating under 17 different names in 17 states.
Despite his name, Cartier was no jeweller: he had found worthless quartz crystals and fool's gold.
But androgen receptors were found to be nearly non-existent in the brains of newborn animals.
We call it Lewisian Gneiss, after the Isle of Lewis, where it is commonly found.
He and colleagues in the United States are studying the rings in seashells he has found.
More information on where copies are now available to view can be found here.
UNESCO: UK celebrates the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta
But he has since found a suitable alternative that turns out to be even better.
Sumptuous friezes and inscriptions cursing anyone tampering the grave decorate many sarcophagi found in the outgrowth.
It's like a jigsaw puzzle: you keep on looking until you've found the right piece.
Our stories were not the same, yet I found myself in each one of them.
As the air traffic died down, I finally found silence deep enough to get lost in.
At 1, 430 pounds, the Brenham is the largest pallasite ever found in North America.
After an easy win against Bangladesh, England found the Proteas predictably more formidable in Barbados.
The team tweaked the game and its characters until they found themselves playing it nonstop.
Employees who refused to sign were either found other jobs in the company or discharged.