Provide only accurate news information and arrange to correct those found to be inaccurate.
The report found there was inaccurate recording of information, poor communication and lack of contact with the child's father.
The investigation also found instances where inaccurate expense reports were submitted that had the effect of concealing the relationship.
The report said the reviews identified records for people whose names should not have been on the watch list, and some watch list records were found to be inaccurate or incomplete.
CNN: Justice Department report tells of flaws in terrorist watch list
Apparently (I heard it from the friend of a friend) after the earthquake in March, people found their satnavs were inaccurate.
Hurd resigned unexpectedly Friday after a company investigation of a sexual harassment claim found that he filed inaccurate expense reports to cover up what was described as a "close personal relationship" with a company contractor.
The panel found she provided "false, inaccurate and misleading information" and as a result "fraudulently claimed paid compassionate leave", all of which constituted misconduct impairing fitness to practise.
BBC: Solihull social worker struck off after family death fraud
Ian King was found guilty last month of signing off inaccurate training records for Paul Spencer.
BBC: Fatal helicopter flight crash instructor Ian King jailed
In secret shopper tests, the Communications Consumer Panel found that over half of shoppers were given inaccurate information.
In the U.S., there have been a handful of cases in which the National Weather Service or meteorologists have been sued for inaccurate forecasts, but none have been found liable in those cases, according to Mike Smith, a meteorologist and senior vice president at AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, a State College, Pa.
Barclays was found to have tried to manipulate Libor rates, by putting in inaccurate submissions, resulting in a record fine from US and UK regulators.
Ms Fu says China has already found its path of political reform and that it is "unfair and inaccurate" to say China will go nowhere if it does not copy other countries' models.
The subcommittee also found that Mr. Gingrich had provided the committee with material information about one of those projects that was inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable.
They found that the more popular websites were not necessarily of higher quality, and were just as likely to contain inaccurate information as less popular sites.
And the subcommittee also found that Mr. Gingrich and his representative provided information to the committee that Mr. Gingrich should have known was inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable.