MoMA presented the once derided image as the foundation stone of Modernism and turned it into an icon.
But much remains to be studied before the royal charter can be accepted as the foundation stone of new regulation.
"Before the end of this year we laid a foundation stone of expanding the brewery to ten-fold of whatever we have now, " she says.
The foundation stone of the guildhall was laid on 5 September 1687 and the extension in which the museum is housed was completed in 1830.
The foundation stone of the European project has been Franco-German co-operation.
And it was an extremist Jewish group's unfulfilled threat to lay a symbolic foundation stone for a new temple that apparently sparked the demonstrations on Sunday.
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute director Prof Mike Stratton said the results were "remarkable" and would "stand as a foundation stone for human biology for many years".
The AAA government debt rating is a foundation stone of the world financial system, and when it shifts, even a little, other things may shift as well.
The first thing I bought when I was asked to follow the Millennium Centre's foundation stone on its journey to Cardiff was a packet of sea-sickness tablets.
AD, the Abbasid caliph al-Mansur consulted a Persian astrologer called Nawbakht to find a conjunction of the planets favourable to laying the foundation stone for a new capital.
Another foundation stone is fixing a health insurance system that works better for insurance industry than it does for the American people. (Applause.) I do not quit.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire
The foundation stone of the recovery was laid in the depths of Japan's recession in the late 1990s, when heavily indebted banks and firms sold property, largely to foreigners.
It will not be known if the foundation stone, laid in 1764, has been discovered until phase two of the renovations is under way - at the front of the building.
The foundation stone was laid in April last year and when I recently visited the Nalanda Public Shiksha Niketan School in Banka, I could see the temple walls had already been built.
In the last few months I've seen new hospitals like University College in London, the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital planned in Birmingham or Whiston Hospital in Knowsley, where I laid the foundation stone.
The Act in its final form represented a turning point in the emergence of disabled people from the shadows of neglect and indifference, and was the foundation stone of Alf's subsequent parliamentary career.
In 1675, the foundation stone of the Royal Observatory was laid at Greenwich in south London by order of King Charles II, to improve knowledge of the positions of stars and thus aid navigation.
The highlight is the foundation stone of the city of Ai Khanum, laid by Alexander the Great around 300 BC, and thought to be the only object in the world which is known to have been in his hands.
In addition to reestablishing a wonderful conversation with strong friends and allies, I wanted to make sure that everybody in our country, but everybody around the world, understands that the transatlantic alliance remains a cornerstone, a foundation stone for American security.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Tusk Press Conference
In June the county, whose tyre, petrochemical and paper-making industries have made it much richer than Huimin, held a foundation-stone ceremony for its own Sun Tzu theme park.