Wallace suggests you not base your bets on "card odds" (the 1-in-50 chance of being dealt, for example, three of a kind versus the 1-in-4, 000 chance of being dealt four of a kind).
Brickyard Crossing, which used to host a Senior PGA event, is truly one-of-a-kind: four holes play inside the infield of the oval track, often with loud cars running by on test laps, linked by a tunnel to the fourteen holes just outside the stadium.
Its Arrow 2 interceptor missile (developed with Boeing) will soon be joined by the Arrow 3 to form part of a four-tier territorial and theatre defence against every kind of rocket attack.
"With the goals we are conceding, we need to have a look and do some kind of change to protect the back four a little bit better, " he said.
Mr. STEINHARDT: I don't know that this is any different in a string quartet than it would be, let's say, with four people who are running a business of one kind or another.
The digitized images are painstakingly uploaded to the website she has created to showcase the original pieces that have been accumulated over the four years she has advocated for this one of a kind artist and personal friend.
Suddenly, a convoy of four-wheel-drive vehicles - the kind used by Iraqi officials - swerves madly through the traffic, sirens blaring, and a voice from a loudspeaker telling drivers to get out of the way.
Her closeness to Mr. Murdoch, who is said to regard her as a kind of favorite daughter (although he has four actual daughters), has protected her during the recent scandal engulfing the company, even as legislators called on her to resign.
The first weekend of fixtures in this Four Nations would suggest Cameron Smith is being a little kind to England.
Now, having revived Yahoo in four years as its chief executive, Semel promises a whole new kind of entertainment in a most hostile setting: the Internet.
Ken Fisher: This year should be a very different kind of year than any of the last four.
The multi-million dollar complex, the first of its kind in South Africa, boasts four soundstages, several offices, a cinema, as well as pre- and post-production services.
All it takes for you to land that kind of return is a pair of children no more than four years apart, expensive tastes in private schools and family finances that would entitle you to a smidgen of aid when just one attends.
In fact, if there's a failure, the America policy was not to anticipate this kind of event four or five years ago.
And then we return here to focus, as I mentioned, with 46 other countries, on locking down any vulnerable nuclear material over the course of the next four years to ensure that we are not faced with that kind of material falling into the hands of a terrorist organization.
And this is a symbol of the kind of work that we need to be doing for the next four years and beyond.
Back in 1976, the Soviet Union was a superpower, there was only one kind of Coca-Cola and if a coffee shop tried to charge its customers four bucks for a cup of joe, it would get run out of town.