The boxing press, with whom Jones had a fractious relationship, began to question his greatness.
That also assumes that the fractious parliament in Baghdad will pass a federal oil law.
Second, they risk worsening an already fractious relationship between the administration and Wall Street.
Even by the standards of Israel's volatile and fractious democracy, this was a colossal gamble.
The Democratic president is known to have had a fractious relationship with Mr Netanyahu.
He has overruled fractious allies on the left over illegal immigrants, Europe and privatisation.
But if it doesn't, the marriage of cultures in modern Britain will become even more fractious.
Probably no woman sleeps with such childish beauty as my adorable difficult fractious intolerant wife.
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But Turkish politics being as fractious as it is, he emerged as the compromise candidate.
It is possible that the violent, fractious underworld of extremism in Pakistan had turned on him.
But Indians can at least expect their new government to be less fractious than its predecessor.
Correspondents say relations between the two countries have been more fractious than usual in recent months.
BBC: British soldier killed by Afghan army gunman in Helmand
No longer: rumours abound in the City of fractious meetings and calls for various heads.
The US could be a fractious, jittery place by the end of the year.
Even leaving aside his fractious friends, Mr Fischer will have trouble making his weight felt.
ECONOMIST: Joschka Fischer, Germany’s reluctant statesman | The
Its cocktail of Congolese Tutsis, exiled academics and old-style Mobutu supporters became increasingly fractious.
The Cuban-American community is fractious, and Jorge achieved his leadership through tireless effort sustained over four decades.
That was hardly the reassurance that an increasingly fractious government bond market needed and forced fresh sales.
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Mr Daschle has held his fractious caucus together by relying on quiet dialogue rather than Bush-style intimidation.
And the more he needs a fine-tuned message, the more he has to control his fractious fans.
The coalition will be fractious, and pushing through a Hashimoto programme will prove a very tall order.
ECONOMIST: And the mainstream parties would do well to heed it
The power struggle sprawls across seven kingdoms and is driven by fractious family dynasties, deep grudges and greed.
"Fractious" is one word that has been used to me for relations between some ministers and civil servants.
His critics hope that dissatisfied Belarussians will realise their own strength, or that the fractious opposition will unite.
Whether it goes beyond language will depend on the Americans no less than on the fractious Israeli ministers.
This has created a more fractious atmosphere in the chamber, and growing frustration amongst members who cannot contribute effectively.
Meanwhile, another defector, Gen Manaf Tlas, has put himself forward as a possible figure to unite the fractious opposition.
In these fractious pre-election days, Republicans and Democrats both have a desire to keep their nominating conventions on message.
C. looking particularly fractious these days, you might wind up skipping the tradition in face of those higher prices.
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