Critics of the extension argue it will cause more pollution, increase health problems and fragment communities.
Prof Nucciarelli's proof that this fragment belongs to the lost masterpiece of Pinturicchio looks very convincing.
When DNA is thawed and refrozen, the process causes the DNA strands to fragment.
Beta amyloid is a protein fragment that collects in clumps inside the brains of Alzheimer's patients.
He adds that the horse fragment dating links with the peninsula going through a wet phase.
Like many follow-up drugs, Lexapro is essentially a fragment of the drug that preceded it.
Laboratory and animal tests have shown that the enzyme can break down the fragment.
It is probable that Burns rewrote a fragment he had heard on his travels.
WSJ: Robert Burns and Auld Lang Syne at the Morgan Library & Museum
But two problems are likely to continue to fragment the market and thus stunt its growth.
Then he drew the bunny slope of Web-based channels that will further fragment audiences.
Furthermore, experts argued that the redevelopment scheme will fragment and isolate the different dock areas visually.
Yet the books on display are but a fragment of the Trinity collection.
"I was a fragment of a person, and my secret isolated me, " she writes, according to
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In one of the buildings down near the tramway I find the fragment of an old black and white photograph.
What about the risk that operators will fragment the internet by erecting new road-blocks or toll booths?
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Because D-4F is a small fragment of HDL, it may not have the dump-truck effect of clearing plaque.
Click here to see the place of the fragment relative to nearby surviving sections of the frieze.
What could you compose that would take ten seconds and be any more than a fragment of a jingle?
In the cases of both fragment analysis and microsatellites, population geneticists can generally put a number on that likelihood.
The 27-country single market could fragment as decision-making gravitates to an inner core.
The doctors suggested it would fragment services, possibly threatening vaccination and screening campaigns.
There's a fragment from an 1858 speech in which Lincoln uses lawyerly logic to rebut the arguments of slaveholders.
"Far from being a significant, reforming measure it's an incoherent fragment, " he concluded.
This would mean it could explode and fragment in the atmosphere with only the shock wave reaching the ground.
Michael, c. 1563-65, a fragment of an altarpiece, a marvel of loosely painted curls, tender expression and delectable color.
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The industry fears that if it refuses, standards will fragment and Microsoft will back some technology other than cable.
They found that the protein fragment had a deep groove on its surface.
The end result is that the skin breaks to allow for the force to be transmitted from the fracture fragment.
As audiences fragment, morning shows are one of the few kinds of programming besides sports that draw large, loyal audiences.
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The Higgs boson feels untouchably esoteric, a fragment of pure knowledge that may never be applied in the practical world.