Based in Milan, Luxottica turned 50 last year and is the leader in a fragmented industry.
The most persuasive argument is that it is a fragmented industry which requires help in marketing, research and strategy.
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It's a tough, horribly fragmented industry, with 2% pretax margins and the top five rivals controlling only 20% of sales.
The company has a healthy balance sheet that makes acquisitions in the fragmented industry in which it operates quite likely.
Consolidation plays in a fragmented industry--funeral homes, say, or trash haulers--can look like growth engines even when the cash is running out.
But a rollup of a fragmented industry is all about the details.
Some are hoping the deal will trigger further unions in a still-fragmented industry (the new company will have a market share of just 7.6% in America).
Survivors have little pricing power in a fragmented industry: in America the top 400 printers have less than 30% of the market, according to IbisWorld, a research firm.
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The priority must be to have a can-do attitude and a national culture of safety instead of the fragmented industry where every company is able to interpret its own safety system.
Elizabeth Arden took a fragmented fragrance industry and centralized it to gain economies of scale in distribution.
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Such is the nature of an increasingly fragmented media industry, says Peter Boyland, an analyst with IHS Global Insight, and Sky needs to evolve accordingly.
That's what keeps independent jazz relevant in a fragmented music industry.
Significantly, a large number of French banks will be supervised by the ECB but rather few institutions in Germany will, because of its fragmented banking industry, says the BBC's Business Editor, Robert Peston.
The fragmented construction industry needs such a marketplace.
The next challenge is Japan's fragmented pharmaceutical industry.
Mr Kamps argues that nobody else in Europe's fragmented baking industry could repeat his strategy: although his firm accounts for only a fraction of the market, it is four times the size of the next biggest.
The RV industry was--and remains--as fragmented as the auto industry had been before the Depression.
But China is likely to be cautious in granting Cathay additional flights given opposition from home carriers including Shanghai-based China Eastern Airlines as the fragmented Chinese airline industry consolidates.
One reason she highlighted was a fragmented and inefficient industry, whose firms competed not for customers by offering better homes or building them more cheaply but for that scarce British commodity, land with permission to develop.
The TV industry is fragmented and controlled by many players, including content providers, cable companies and content streaming sites.
But with record audiences each year and television growing more fragmented, the ad industry is bracing for that price tag to keep going up.
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Unlike the power sector, the steel industry is fragmented and tougher to control, particularly with local governments relying on smaller, and often dirtier, mills.
It was an attractive e-commerce idea: Customers were affluent, the industry was fragmented and premium brands were still not available at supermarkets or discount chains.
Kate Barker, a member of the Bank of England's monetary-policy committee, examined this question in 2004 and found that the housebuilding industry was fragmented and inefficient.
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Lord Cullen said privatisation of the rail industry had fragmented the network so it "hampered the learning of lessons from accidents where different railway operators are involved".
There are 59m credit cards in circulation, more than in the rest of Europe combined and the card industry is fragmented with more than 60 different issuers.
Much the way Home Depot put dozens of weaker chains out of business in the 1990s, HD Supply intends to outgrow and crush a very fragmented construction-supply industry.
And as the economy becomes more fragmented and as old industry and old enterprises decline, a more fluid form of enterprise operating system will thrive only if we skill-up in the business of developing and capitalising on weak ties.
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One of the reasons infrastructure investment by British pension funds is relatively low, compared with (for example) infrastructure investment by Canadian pension funds, is that the UK's pension fund industry is fragmented: there aren't that many huge pension funds with the resources and appetite to make big long-term investments in new roads, or railways or airports.