• Dr. Francis Collins, whose discovery of the gene led to the current advances, agreed.

    CNN: Advances in kids' early aging disease

  • Two visionaries, Francis Collins and Susan Desmond-Hellmann, were rewarded for their effort to bring a bold innovation culture to NIH and UCSF.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Dr Watson was replaced by Francis Collins , a man regarded by some biologists as ideologically unsound because he is a born-again Christian.

    ECONOMIST: The big beasts of genomics

  • Today, my colleagues Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins made an announcement that brings these forces together.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Francis Collins, who heads the gene-hunting effort at the National Institutes of Health, predicts "an avalanche" of new disease-gene findings in the next year.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The TEDMED community, both here in the Kennedy Center and around the world, was obviously intrigued by our on-stage conversation with NIH Director Francis Collins.

    FORBES: Jay Walker and TEDMED: A View From Center Stage

  • Dr. Francis Collins is Director of the National Institutes of Health.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Ironically, Francis Collins and the NIH have established the National Center for Advancing Translational Studies (NCATS) whose purpose is to accelerate the discovery of new drugs.

    FORBES: Sen. Wyden's Proposal Will Kill NIH-Pharma Collaboration

  • Ron Wyden, in an open letter to current NIH Director, Francis Collins, has urged the NIH to reexamine its policies to protect the interest of taxpayers.

    FORBES: Sen. Wyden's Proposal Will Kill NIH-Pharma Collaboration

  • "What a profound responsibility it is to do this work, " said Dr. Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project at the National Institutes of Health.

    CNN: Leaders say discovery must be linked to responsible use

  • Genome mapper Francis Collins says prior research undermines Simons' work.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But the work of turning the base pair data into the gold of new treatments has already begun, according to Dr Francis Collins, head of the US National Human Genome Research Institute.

    BBC: What the genome can do for you

  • Maybe you could start with the recent publication by Francis Collins, the head of NIH, claiming to have performed a successful clinical trial treating kids with progeria with farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTIs).

    FORBES: This Tasty Diet Can Prevent Heart Attacks And Strokes, Study Says

  • In 2003, Dr. Francis Collins and his team of researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health discovered the gene that causes this fatal disease.

    CNN: Advances in kids' early aging disease

  • Francis Collins was in the middle of his keynote speech last July at the International Congress of Genetics in Melbourne, Australia, when he arrested the audience with a rebuke singling out a local biotech firm.

    FORBES: Junkyard Dogs

  • Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health and one of the discoverers of the gene that causes progeria, said the drug's usefulness for vascular stiffness in normal aging is an important question to study.

    WSJ: Progeria Drug Study Helps in Search for Clues on Aging

  • "This is the first time that we've had a complete chapter in the human instruction book, and that's pretty amazing, " said Dr Francis Collins, from the US National Institutes of Health and who chairs the HGP.

    BBC: Book of life: Chapter one

  • In a speech at the annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics on November 6, Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health and the man who headed the Human Genome Project, implored his colleagues in genetics to work to develop new treatments for rare diseases.

    FORBES: Rare Disease Drugs: A $1 Trillion Market?

  • Using pseudoscience about science as a pretext to inject racially crafted solutions that may or may not bear any relation to the underlying problem, if in fact there is one, is a trend that guardians of the public fisc should ask Francis Collins about next time the enormous NIH budget comes up for approval.

    FORBES: Should Science Funding Be Racially Gerrymandered?

  • Twenty-two years ago Francis Collins, who would go on to head the Human Genome Project and run the National Institutes of Health, was part of a team that found the gene that, when mutated, caused cystic fibrosis, a deadly childhood disease in which the lungs fill with mucus and the pancreas does not make digestive enzymes.

    FORBES: A Big And Dangerous Day For Personalized Medicine

  • The central struggle was between the publicly funded international Human Genome Project, led by Francis Collins, a distinguished scientist and devout Christian, which pursued a slow-and-steady approach to sequencing until Celera, a private company led by Craig Venter, appeared on the scene and boldly claimed that its revolutionary new technique, whole-genome shot-gun sequencing, could do the job in less than half the time.

    ECONOMIST: Medical research

  • Lewis-Francis looked ready to challenge Collins for gold in the closing stages.

    BBC: Collins wins dramatic 100m

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