As a student, his innovative filmmaking caught the eye of director Francis Ford Coppola .
This town has been captured from every angle by filmmakers from Golden Age impresario Cecil B DeMille to Francis Ford Coppola.
The group was known as "New Hollywood" and their ranks numbered Robert Altman, Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese.
Debt also factored into Francis Ford Coppola's decision to direct the film adaptation.
Directors like Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas come here to make movies that are outside the Hollywood studio system.
After some established screenwriters struck out, the studio decided to hire a recent UCLA Film School graduate, Francis Ford Coppola.
Then film director Francis Ford Coppola invested in the estate with the intent of bringing it back to its former glory.
Today, he says famous directors like Francis Ford Coppola , James Cameron and Robert Rodriquez are shooting films in digital format.
Jury presidents in the festival's seven-decade history have included such figures as Tennessee Williams, Ingrid Bergman, Roman Polanski and Francis Ford Coppola.
There, Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and others set up shop.
Gallanter sponsored an annual brand-building conference, persuading Starbucks' Howard Schultz, advertising legend Hal Riney and director Francis Ford Coppola to give keynote addresses.
Salles is currently working on an adaptation of "On the Road" with Francis Ford Coppola and aims to start filming in the spring.
Organisers of the Rome festival, which is in its sixth year, cited Gere's body of work with directors including Robert Altman and Francis Ford Coppola.
BBC: Actor Richard Gere to collect Rome Film Festival honour
It is one of those two illustrious directors, Francis Ford Coppola, who is at the vanguard of the growing Hollywood interest in South American film.
Gallanter sponsored an annual brand-building conference and persuaded Starbucks' Howard Schultz, the advertising legend Hal Riney and the movie director Francis Ford Coppola to give keynote addresses.
Kickstart a San Francisco day in North Beach at Caffe Trieste with the powerful espresso and jukebox arias that inspired a young Francis Ford Coppola, who drafted The Godfather here.
He had not, although "the movie guy" (aka Francis Ford Coppola) asked Mr. Graves for some sketches shortly after he'd purchased the old Inglenook property, now known as Rubicon.
Interviewed about their irrational love of film are Francis Ford Coppola (who says cinema is "given by the gods"), Roman Polanski, Martin Scorsese, Ryan Gosling, Bertolucci and Cannes director Thierry Fremaux.
Perhaps this is what prompted long time collaborator Francis Ford Coppola, who directed Pacino and De Niro in "The Godfather" trilogy, to accuse them, along with Jack Nicholson, of lacking ambition and passion.
The screening-room designer most in demand is Jeff Cooper, an MIT-educated architect and acoustic engineer who has built facilities for George Lucas, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Robert Zemeckis and, most recently, Mr. Spielberg.
Recall 1974's more immaculately fashioned movie version of "Gatsby, " which was directed by ace literary adaptor Jack Clayton ("The Innocents"), boasted a screenplay by "The Godfather's" Francis Ford Coppola and starred Robert Redford as Gatsby, Mia Farrow as Daisy and Sam Waterston as Nick.