The economic crisis of the 1930s faced by Franklin Roosevelt is most near today's deepening crisis.
True, Franklin Roosevelt in 1933--34 played with the greenback as if it were a delightful toy.
Six years later, the National Gallery of Art was duly inaugurated by President Franklin Roosevelt.
WSJ: Jan van Eyck | 'The Annunciation' | Old Subject, New Approach | Masterpiece | By Richard Cork
Franklin Roosevelt was right on many big things, but on this one, he was dead wrong.
He points out that even Franklin Roosevelt was uncomfortable with the idea of public-sector unions.
In his memoirs, he writes proudly about his meetings with Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, Lenin, and Stalin.
Obama, lacking the charm of Franklin Roosevelt, nevertheless seeks to follow his path in growing executive power.
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To enhance this impression famous figures such as Marlene Dietrich and President Franklin Roosevelt used ornate cigarette holders.
Mr Clinton was the first Democrat to be elected to two full terms in office since Franklin Roosevelt.
Indeed, since Franklin Roosevelt, American liberals have been firm supporters of American capitalism.
He said, and I quote, Franklin Roosevelt needed more time for his experimentation.
Franklin Roosevelt and others assumed the interests of the five would be similar.
Since the days of Franklin Roosevelt Democrats have been helped by organized labor.
Franklin Roosevelt had been the Governor of New York before he became President.
FORBES: Who's On First? Or, Will Anybody Watch Obama's Economic Address?
So, President Franklin Roosevelt created a federal agency to insure new long-term mortgages.
President Bush is now reading Michael Beschloss's excellent history "The Conquerors, " about how Franklin Roosevelt planned Germany's postwar future.
The Republicans may indeed be the party of Abraham Lincoln, but the Democrats became the party of Franklin Roosevelt.
Franklin Roosevelt, who had served under Wilson, saw the onset of World War II as a vindication of Wilson's approach.
But since the Depression and Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, the power of the federal government has expanded at a gallop.
Had Mr McCain won, America would have continued the long drift to the left that set in with Franklin Roosevelt.
You know, President Franklin Roosevelt, who said a lot of really smart things, said economic laws are not made by nature.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
Soon he was named President Franklin Roosevelt's emissary to King Abdel Aziz of Saudi Arabia, Prince Bandar's grandfather (see article).
Some recall that, when Franklin Roosevelt unleashed the New Deal to tackle the Depression, government grew beyond recognition and stayed big.
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After a showdown with Franklin Roosevelt over the New Deal, which the court lost, it abandoned its defence of laisser-faire economics.
President Franklin Roosevelt and his advisers emerge remarkably badly on this issue, seemingly determined not to bother Stalin with such trifles.
Whether Ronald Reagan or Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman or even Bill Clinton, a president has to be a spokesman for his country.
This kind of message also reinforces the successful progressive tradition of optimists like Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton.
Franklin Roosevelt kicked off the 1936 campaign with an Oct. 31 speech to the Democratic faithful in New York's Madison Square Garden.
Nonetheless, the candidates running for president are in a situation that not even Franklin Roosevelt faced when he assumed office in 1933.
Franklin Roosevelt's policies, which included even more tax increases, severely hampered recovery.