"I don't want to spend the night worrying about whether some frat boy has poured cough syrup in my drink, " she says.
One young woman was excluded from office socializing a few years ago by a frat boy type who managed a group of mostly male interns.
Mr Bush will never entirely escape from his frat boy image indeed his very likeability may be one of his strongest weapons against the cold Al Gore.
The movie Animal House has defined the college fraternity stereotype for decades binge drinking, hazing, partying but some fraternities are now trying to change that "frat boy" culture.
Food is worshiped politicized, serves as the common ground for late night hookups, early evening gettogethers, billions in annual book and magazine sales, more billions in advertising, and not to forget the pedestal upon which most anyone, from bored homemaker to crazed frat boy, can stand and establish a profitable presence among peers and adulating onlookers.
Basically, frat-boy culture spawned so many disasters on college campuses that chapters kept getting shut down.
The Mountain Dew commercials' brand of frat-boy physical humor isn't everyone's thing.
Obviously, such episodes just enhance his reputation as an honest man with real experience (in contrast to Mr Bush's perceived frat-boy callowness).
"Patch Adams" contains some bad language and instances of frat-boy rude humor.
That Yale finds itself under pressure from the government, in the face of stupid frat-boy initiation rituals obviously designed to humiliate the pledges themselves, dramatizes how far government and higher education have drifted from the principles of freedom.
There's a reason "South Park" remains a high-rated show, why "The Simpsons" is the longest-running sitcom in history, why a third installment of "The Hangover" is being released: A lot of people like dumb, frat-boy humor draped in fantasy.