The notion that Mr O'Connor has turned from free-wheeling arch-capitalist into a latter-day Big Brother is ironic indeed.
No wonder that African conservatives sense that their terms for continuing partnership with free-wheeling Americans have not been met.
Worst of all, a biotech manager must cope with his own free-wheeling researchers.
Education should be far more free-wheeling, with a much broader curriculum and more creative, diverse, and experimental approaches to teaching.
John Kerry took the stage with a more free-wheeling Leno last year.
Donovan, the OSS was a free-wheeling collection of our country's best minds.
But such invigilation would take away some of the Internet's free-wheeling charms.
One day after the company filed to go public with a really free-wheeling letter from the boss, even its friends are incredulous.
Oil prices are down, and America's anti-terrorist campaign has raised the heat on smuggling and money laundering, lucrative staples of Dubai's free-wheeling economy.
ECONOMIST: The biggest and best in a patch of beach and desert
This was not the place to find a free-wheeling exchange of ideas on what the economy needs, and how to keep it moving forward.
Take a transatlantic combination of a lumbering, accident-prone universal bank with a prickly, free-wheeling investment bank, and only the foolhardy would bet on success.
Aetna and others kept to this promise for a time, clamping down on medical procedures and tests doled out by free-wheeling doctors and hospitals.
In the three days of arguments, six lawyers will make their case in what are expected to be free-wheeling question-and-answer sessions characteristic of oral arguments.
His delicate keyboard coloration and the elfin playfulness with which he bounces off his wonderfully free-wheeling bass, drums and percussion ensemble deservedly elicited thunderous applause.
WSJ: The First Sounds of Spring | Savannah Music Festival | By Barrymore Laurence Scherer
Nonetheless, the sale put off some readers, who considered McClatchy's Fresno Bee and Modesto Bee newspapers too dowdy to be associated with the hip, free-wheeling Famous sites.
Seniority promotion, the lifetime employment system and the dead hand of Japanese corporate bureaucracy are all anathema to the free-wheeling stock-option culture that attracts Chinese businessmen these days.
An aide -- often campaign consultant Mike Murphy -- always rides shotgun to McCain for the entire free-wheeling conversation, occasionally interjecting help, "clarifying" comments or gently moving the discussion along.
CNN: Life on the Straight Talk Express: All McCain, all of the time
The random free-wheeling social element just throws a lot of mud into those gears and companies are only reluctantly jerry-rigging it to their service and sales and marketing operations, like some kind of IT Frankenstein.
These competing philosophies were encapsulated in the 1974 World Cup final, when a favored Dutch squad, led by Johan Cruyff and featuring a free-wheeling passing game that earned it the nickname "Clockwork Orange, " was shockingly upset by West Germany.
It has made him a divisive figure among followers of the Netherlands, many of whom say his inclusion ahead of Rafael van der Vaart, a classic playmaker in the Dutch mold, is symptomatic of the nation abandoning its free-wheeling tradition.
For anyone who remembers Karen O. flinging beer on her audiences at tiny club gigs during the band's early days, the joy in the new songs is the way the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have learned to go pop without compromising their free-wheeling exuberance.
What brings me back is a collection of specifically New England sensations that I associate with the place: free-wheeling a bicycle down a sandy beach road, the tang of lemon on fried clams, the clear green water of the north Atlantic and the pure maritime light.
The free-wheeling Mostly Other People Do the Killing, a quartet that jumps from postbop to funk to free jazz often within the span of a few bars worked the same stage as Rudresh Mahanthappa, whose album "Samdhi" (ACT) incorporates straight-ahead jazz, electronica and Indian percussion and modes.
WSJ: Winter Jazzfest | The Broad Tent of Jazzfest | By Jim Fusilli