"Desire" is blessedly free of the burning deserts and first-person fantasies of manipulative or murderous mothers that made listening to "To Bring You My Love" feel like a vicarious psychological collapse.
Dr Alamaro wants to use a gas-burning, rather than a coal- or oil-burning plant, because the exhaust produced by burning natural gas is free from sulphur dioxide, which plants hate.
So whether it is our hopeless good nature that wishes to believe in the altruism of the free gift giver (unlikely) or our burning desire to receive something-for-nothing (more likely), the freebie-seeking thread is so persistent in us that the theme remains a constant in money and life.
Proponents of the amendment, mostly Republicans, have consistently tried to pass the constitutional amendment in response to a 1989 Supreme Court decision that determined destruction of the flag by burning or other means was protected as free speech under the First Amendment.