The Americans paved the way for his escape with his troops from Beirut to Tunis, free to fight another day.
Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein said October 19 that NATO had a free hand to fight piracy as it saw fit.
There are gummy bears that help keep skin looking vibrant, sugar-free tarts that fight off cavities and chocolate that helps the heart.
Ms. MARCUS: Yes, I think Turkish officials very much feel that they should be allowed a free hand to fight against a group that they consider to be a terrorist organization.
House Speaker Newt Gingrich is challenging television networks to provide free advertising time to fight drug use, in hopes of creating a "virtually drug-free world" by Jan. 1, 2001.
Mr Howard said he would scrap NHS targets to free up staff to fight the bug.
Her family have stood by her, reportedly spending huge sums of money on lawyers and publicists, as well as travel and living costs, during the fight to free their daughter.
Mr. Brooks is president of the American Enterprise Institute and author of "The Road to Freedom: How to Win the Fight for Free Enterprise, " published this week by Basic Books.
WSJ: Arthur Brooks: America and the Value of 'Earned Success'
For Reagan, the law not only deterred abuse and waste, but was consistent with conservative principles since it essentially privatized a government function and harnessed private sector free market incentives to fight fraud and provide a public good.
FORBES: Celebrating The 150th Birthday Of 'Lincoln's Law': Privatized Fraud Fighting
The fight to shape free citizens in schools, through the media and in the public square goes on.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'
In World War II, free nations came together to fight the ideology of fascism, and freedom prevailed and today Germany and Japan are democracies and they are allies in securing the peace.
Some would argue that free societies are too soft to fight brutal wars too long.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'
This gives you an eight-hour, food-free rest so your mouth can fight against the ravages it faces all day.
Paul had broken free as Britain desperately tried to fight back - they came close with one effort inches short of the line right underneath the posts.
There will also be a lot of pious palaver about the need for more cooperation, better international regulation and new initiatives to fight protectionism and promote free trade.
In Mali, one descendant of servitude is taking up the fight to help others become free.
Sometimes it chimed with a personal ethos to fight the establishment or defend free expression, often they just wanted to jump in for the thrill of it all.
FORBES: Anonymous, London's Rioters And The Power Of Internet-Organized Insurgencies
But even to be thinking of the relationship in those terms is unusual, and points to probably the greatest stress in the relationship between Clinton and labor since 1993's bitter fight over the North American Free Trade Agreement.
And in the free-for-all, cafeteria food fight that is the stock market, how can you possibly get an edge against all those well-connected hedge funds, large institutions and the investment banks trading their own books of business?
It comes the point when leadership of common purpose takes control and a free peoples destiny becomes tied to those who will fight.
FORBES: Why Do People Have To Lie To Us In Medical Research About The Effects Of Smoking?
During the CNBC fight, Ackman told Icahn he is free to buy the company if he is so convinced it is not a pyramid scheme.
"It's the 'B' and 'C' students that fight for our country and kept it free so that people like yourself could have the opportunities you have, " he told Gates, before Gordon cut their discussion short, citing time constraints.
Beyond the beaches, there is plenty to do, few crowds to fight off, and many hotels are offering free meals and resort credits on top of low rates.
But if you want to fight the eviction, contact Legal Aid, which gives free legal help to low-income people.
In just three weeks this fall, thousands of people playing the free downloadable game helped map the structure of an enzyme that could fight HIV and AIDS. Scientists at the University of Washington created Fold-it to turn research about protein folding into a game, dishing up puzzles made up of spirals and clumps that represent amino acids.
FORBES: Let's Play! Turning Serious Business Issues Into Games
The airline does offer two free pieces of checked baggage, so there's no need to fight over overhead space unless you need it.
He only got the chance when Kenya recently decided to make primary education free to everyone - and even then, Kimani had a bit of a fight on his hands to get accepted.
That's why we will continue to fight for the cause of clean energy, an economy that will free ourselves from the grips of foreign oil and generate millions of good jobs and good wages in the process.
John Kerry and Edwards will fight for health care for all, for an environment where we can breathe free.