The goal is to strengthen economic integration beyond the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
They were the party of laissez faire, limited government, free trade, and hard money.
Clinton believes, as do many economists and business leaders, that free trade spurs economic growth.
The CEO of Ford has been critical of the South Korean free trade agreement.
Third, free trade is in for a rough time because of the global economic downturn.
And I think it'll be very interesting to see how they play the free trade issue.
There are a number of Democrats who think globalization and free trade are inevitable and good.
In July 2001 Naser Tabasi was dismissed as director of the Free Trade Zone.
He spoke of passing pending free trade agreements, which have been languishing in Congress.
We've seen the benefits of free trade and lived through the disasters of protectionism.
Ecuador is set to enter a final round of the free trade talks on 23 March.
Limits on density destroy wealth in exactly the same way that limits on free trade do.
And so high-density development patterns have the same kind of productivity-enhancing benefits that free trade does.
Romney has criticized Obama for delaying the implementation of a free trade deal with Colombia.
FORBES: Pre-Election Analysis: What Do Obama and Romney Have to Say About Mexico?
Free trade lets America export its inflation--precisely to countries that, like Japan, so desperately want it.
Establish a clear path for launching the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) by 2020.
FORBES: "Key to Rebuilding Japan: Ten Decisions and Actions"
Bartlett may be correct in saying Bush blew Doha and put global free trade in jeopardy.
More, the competition that free trade inspires ensures that we are at our best.
Do free trade agreements make it tougher for American companies to compete, as detractors say?
Additionally, Tunisia has an Association Agreement with the European Union, which includes a Free Trade Agreement.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has been hurt by her husband's record, particularly on free trade.
Obama has vowed to amend the North America Free Trade Agreement if elected president.
American free trade agreements like Nafta don't help either, since state laws controlling alcohol take precedence.
The race to the bottom is on a luge called Lifetime Job Security, not Free Trade.
They were talking about free trade and breaking monopolies a hundred years before Adam Smith.
He has not interfered with trade liberalizations aimed at complying with the Asian free trade area.
The editorial points out that not all agriculture will be uncompetitive under free trade.
This is the end result we get when we mix free trade capitalism, with advancing technologies.
They were talking about free trade and breaking monopolies 100 years before Adam Smith.
The third constraint, felt also by other rich-country governments, is growing popular disenchantment with free trade.