How much more would we actually enjoy healthy living, free from weight judgment?
Are you best working out at a gym or at home, with free weights or weight machines?
CNN: Information overload: Finding fitness that works for you
Its clear that strength training using weight machines, free weights or resistance bands can help build and preserve muscle mass and strength.
In fact the most debilitating symptom of depression is when life no longer produces anything that can free its victim from the dead weight of selfish self-consciousness.
As a former research chemist as well as a free-marketeer, her views carried even more weight than the usual Prime Ministerial utterances.
In other green tech and design news, Hitachi unveiled an impressive new wireless controlled robot to help with the Fukushima Daiichi cleanup and London-based designers Martin Riddiford and Jim Reeves developed the GravityLight, an amazing low-energy, battery-free light that works by harnessing the power of weight and gravity.
And Kraft sliced the weight of its 2% Milk Singles and Fat Free Singles from 16 to 14.7 ounces last May.
FORBES: What? America's Favorite Brands Are Slimming Down, Too?
In addition to the visuals, Connerty insists that each ad describe the meals, make a promise of weight loss, dangle a special deal like "one week free" as bait, deliver a call-right-now command and pack in toll-free numbers.
We will be able to absorb and retain the entirety of the universe's knowledge, eat as much as we want without gaining weight, shape-shift into just about any physical form imaginable, live free from disease and die at the time of our choosing.
And between the decline of free agency and their newfound fiscal restraint, their riches don't carry quite as much weight as they used to.
Surgery firm Inamed Aesthetics had six surgeons carrying out free consultations on topics ranging from breast implants and wrinkle treatments to a new procedure to help weight loss by inserting a saline-filled balloon inside the patient's stomach.
Mr Garcia, who has put on weight since his first term as a leftist president in the 1980s, is now a US ally and free-marketeer.