The event, held jointly by the UK National Commission for UNESCO and the Press Freedom Network, brings together journalists, media professionals and distinguished press freedom experts from the UK and abroad.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: 2010 World Press Freedom Day Student Journalism Competition launched
The audio of her three-hour interview with investigators, as well as 324 pages of documents and more than 600 crime scene photos, were released for the first time in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from The Associated Press.
NPR: APNewsBreak: Prayers Before SC Woman Killed Family
In this context, he added that the existence of an authority for media self-regulation can ensure the protection of press freedom, as well as the protection of the public from possible abuse by the media.
During his fourteen years in power he changed Venezuela from a poor country with democratic institutions, a rule of law and freedom of the press to an even poorer country with a quasi-dictatorship, no rule of law and no freedom of the press.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: chavismo-without-chavez
The most rational reaction came from Index on Censorship, which declared the deal "a sad day for press freedom in the UK".
BBC: Press reform: Media reaction to regulation deal