This UNESCO commissioned research explores the complex situation offreedomofexpressiononInternet and provides a new perspective on the social and political dynamics behind these threats to expression.
This launch meeting is organized to inform Member States on Communication and Information Sector's strategy of promoting freedomofexpressionon the Internet and take stock of ideas on this important subject.
It aims to provide a reference tool that can inform and stimulate the debate on current global trends that are shaping freedomofexpressionon the Internet.
The book also serves as a reference tool that can inform and stimulate the current debate on the global trends that have shaped freedomofexpressionon the Internet.
The conference will also explore recent developments in Morocco that have shaped freedomofexpressionon the Internet as well as the various legal and policy mechanisms behind and will identify challenges and opportunities for the creation of an environment conducive to the freedomofexpression in Morocco.
Friday marks World Press Freedom Day, and this year the is emphasis is on securing freedomofexpression in all media, including a free and open internet -- something Seifi can identify with.