With concerts of local fiddle bands, French Canadian acts from Quebec, fireworks displays and a French-language Acadian poetry contest, the shindig attracts thousands every year.
In 2003, managers at General Motors in Canada were forced to rebrand their new Buick LaCrosse after discovering it had a special, embarrassing, meaning in French Canadian slang.
Chouinard was born in Maine, in far less posh environs, to French-Canadian parents who transplanted the family to Burbank, California, when he was seven.
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His parents, Anthony Watson (known as Tony), a French-Canadian who grew up in New Brunswick, and Anamarie Larsen, who was from Toronto, endured a difficult marriage.
Far from emerging from Paris's elite, Mr Beaudoin was a French-Canadian chartered accountant who happened to marry the daughter of a successful maker of snow-mobiles, one Joseph-Armand Bombardier.
Over the past year, the campaign was covered in the Western media and garnered the support of notables such as the French and Canadian prime ministers' wives as well as international film stars like Lindsay Lohan, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Robert Redford and Juliette Binoche.
There is a basic (and constitutional) difference between seeking more power for all ten provinces, seen as equals with each other, and the French-Canadian view, not confined to secessionists, that today's Canada was born of a compact between two equal peoples, French-speakers and English (a minority until around 1850), which has since been repeatedly upset.
Following Tuesday's elections, his party no longer leads the majority French-speaking Canadian province.
"We were expecting a statement to the stock market on Tuesday saying a consortium - partly French, partly Canadian - based in Aberdeen - will be taking over the UK search and rescue fleet starting from 2012, " he told BBC Wales.
French national Claire Dubois and Canadian Stephanie Jodoin were working for the French aid agency, Aide Medicale Internationale.
In November, Astro's retail distribution will expand to include select Canadian and French Retailers including EB Games Canada, Best Buy Canada, Fnac and Micromania.
ENGADGET: Astro pulls curtain on 2013 edition of $250 A40 gaming headset, MixAmp Pro package (video)
Situated at the top of a triangle between Ottawa and Montreal, Mont Tremblant has food options that combine classic French cooking styles with Canadian ingredients.
On Friday, buyers in Japan bought French, Australian and Canadian wheat, but there were no applications for U.S. wheat, an agriculture ministry official in Tokyo said.
As the United States has a vibrant private hospital system, I imagine it would be singularly well adapted to something closer to the French model than the British or Canadian one.
These two islands are a Gallic aberration in North America, an honest-to-goodness French department in the Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland, where you pay with euros and connect your calls through French telecom services, but with a bit of Canadian bonhomie thrown in.
This Report recommended that multiculturalism replace the bicultural policy based on the British and French Charter groups around whom policies for ethnic diversity in Canadian society had been organised for over a century.
Sure, Canadian trade skirmishes, Mexican immigration quarrels and irksome French officials are flashpoints, but mostly America's mind is elsewhere.
For this D-Day anniversary, standing shoulder to shoulder with the stumbling Gordon Brown, he spoke of "the sheer improbability of this victory, " in which American, British and Canadian forces won a beachhead in 1944 on the French coast.
Carter pleased Canadian fans by delivering part of his induction speech in French.
Canadian independent authors and publishers can utilize the English- or French-language KDP website to make their books available in Canada and more than 175 countries worldwide.
ENGADGET: Amazon's new Kindles now available in Canada, Paperwhite starting at CAD $139
First Row (L-R): Finance Minister of Germany Jorg Asmussen, Finance Minister of Italy Giulio Tremonti, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, French Finance Minister Christine Lagard, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling and Luxembourg Prime Minister and chairman of the Eurogroup Jean-Claude Juncker.
French Open and Wimbledon champion Rafael Nadal will face Jesse Levine after the American qualifier beat Canadian wildcard Peter Polansky 6-2 6-4.