Think bank statements, neighborhood newsletters, airline frequent flier program updates and targeted advertisements from stores where you actually shop.
CNN: Google 'smart labels' aim to de-stress e-mail
Most prominently, SAS Airlines has, since March, been inviting the 50, 000 members of its EuroBonus frequent flier program to use NFC-enabled readers at its gates at airports in Scandinavia for flights within the region.
BBC: Seven innovations in air travel
Customers would also have to be informed how many seats were available for purchase with frequent-flier miles -- carriers haven't made it easy to compare one frequent-flier program with another.
FORBES: Fact and Comment
Frequent-flier program experts say airlines may simply be worried about losing revenue to other websites.
WSJ: Two Airlines Battle Mileage-Tracking Websites
The AirTran promotion, for instance, requires members of its frequent-flier program to register for the promotion before the flight departs.
WSJ: Card Issuers Reward Purchases