At Alla Spina, Vetri wants to put a table for six on top of the walk-in fridge.
The simple rooms occupy two floors and most have a small fridge and balcony.
It's a gorgeous, fool-proof design that should go very nicely with your designer fridge.
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If I really knew any of these people, I might not want them on my fridge.
Once done, pour into a pitcher and store in the fridge for up to 6 weeks.
Samsung doesn't offer video apps on the fridge because that would make no sense, he said.
Frist sealed the egg in a plastic bag and stuck it in her fridge.
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In the fridge, the egg lasted six months before it cracked and got thrown out.
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What was new was the Coca-Cola and Pepsi bottles stashed in the fridge.
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"I make lots of this and let it sit in the fridge, " Mr. Anthony said.
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You might want to print this out and pin it on the fridge for future reference.
Put the list in a place where you can see it every day (like the fridge).
Thoughts then return to home and what food might still be lurking in the fridge.
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In Britain, she writes, 92% of households have a fridge and 98% have a telephone.
We went into the house and looked in the fridge for something to eat.
Mr Fridge uses a video camera to shoot the ice crystals growing in his freezer.
Put it where you can see it, on the fridge along with the kids art work.
He wears a Dennis Hopper T-shirt and keeps cans of Budweiser in the office fridge.
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Ike moved with me, like a furry shadow, from fridge to stove to table.
They then shut down electricity in the flat - no more dishwasher, fridge or washing machine.
Added to her own two boys, that meant eight ravenous teens raiding the fridge every day.
It hit me when I saw Americans holding the fridge door open to decide what they want.
The fridge then, of course, could text its owner to make sure the sour food wasn't consumed.
Remove the pork from the fridge and let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature before cooking.
Both also benefit from extra chilling in the fridge before application, which calms capillaries and protects pores.
The Kelon team took a Japanese-made fridge to pieces to see how it worked, then reverse-engineered it.
And UKIP was not the only minor party having to put the bubbly back in the fridge.
Waste heat from one appliance like the fridge might be captured and fed into an oven or dishwasher.
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The lower level is outfitted with a 50-inch flat-screen television, a wine fridge and a glass light-up bar.
The lucky ones have a private space in which to pump and a fridge to store their milk.