Its roots stretch back to 1862 when it was originally established as the City of Glasgow Friendly Society.
Its vision is one of new savers, chipping in a few pounds with a friendly society, or saving electronically at the supermarket checkout.
And they will do quite well for at least another decade or two, living off mainstream industries such as autos, consumer electronics, semiconductors and other capital goods as they make a transition to a more investor and consumer-friendly society.
New online products have helped drive up sales for Scotland's largest mutual society, Scottish Friendly.
Rather, it is an invitation to all parts of society, within market-friendly policy frameworks, to participate in development.
He argued that a longer school day would also be more family-friendly and "consistent with the pressures of a modern society".
Mandy Pritchard, head of the college's school for society, health and childhood, said she was "a friendly, considerate individual who cared about her fellow students".
Benedict has made it clear that he sees this devout Catholic nation, with its new church-friendly government, as a model for the rest of the continent to build a society based on Christian values.
For any society, even Spain, which has a reputation for being generally open and friendly to foreigners, that is a big adjustment.
White guy ends up saved by friendly natives, quickly reveals himself to be somehow chosen and ascends to prominence in native society before defeating enemies, usually other white guys.
"We will be working with organisations such as the Haemophilia Society and Hepatitis C Trust on this to help ensure the procedures are as user friendly as possible, " Mr Reid said.
Mandy Pritchard, head of school for society, health and childhood at Blackpool and The Fylde College, said Miss Marsden was "a friendly, considerate individual who cared about her fellow students".