They were also more skeptical that further dialogue with their partner would yield a close friendship.
And to all of you who are members of the Cabinet, thank you for your friendship.
The growing friendship with Mr Koch ran parallel with better relations with New York's other Jews.
Mr Erdogan declared that friendship with Armenia was no longer possible unless it withdrew from Nagorno-Karabakh.
So I just want to thank you for all your leadership and your friendship.
At the core of this friendship is the largest bilateral trading relationship in history.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Harper Press Conference | The White House
By describing Hemingway's life on board, Mr Hendrickson can concentrate on fishing, friendship and fatherhood.
Ms Velazquez developed a close friendship with Montes at Johns Hopkins, US authorities said.
BBC: Ex-US government worker Marta Rita Velazquez 'Cuban spy'
Yellow roses, signifying friendship more than eros, seemed right, given the complex potentials of the evening.
As it is for many people, your friendship-building skills may be a little rusty.
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On Tuesday the friendship between the two countries will be lavishly celebrated in Berlin.
This was being done out of pure friendship now, or the memory of friendship.
"It is fun to have a friendship that has lasted so long, " he says.
Aides describe a friendship between the two ex-presidents that almost resembles a father-son relationship.
But true friendship -- and I hope you will forgive me, but true friendship demands honesty.
As the friendship grew, he and the young woman spoke frequently on the phone.
And I'm Robert Siegel, with a story about music, friendship and business all gone awry.
First, the friendship between the United States and Indonesia can advance our mutual interest in development.
They were linked by their friendship to Mr Sweeney, Mr Altman told the court.
And I very much appreciate the personal friendship that I enjoy with the Chancellor.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference
Also promoted more on the new profile page are the Friendship Page and your Groups.
In building on that friendship, we discussed a wide range of issues in our meeting today.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli | The White House
Enda Kenny spoke of the need to build stronger and deeper cross-community trust, respect and friendship.
BBC: Enda Kenny says true test of peace is absence of peace walls
Build the friendship first, ask for advice on a real project, then maybe money later.
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Their friendship, intermittent over the years, was based on self-interest rather than on intimacy.
Their attitudes and preferences remained unaffected when they were exposed to intelligence goals or friendship goals.
Dr. HOODBHOY: I do believe that there could be friendship between the United States and India.
As for Israel, our friendship is rooted deeply in a shared history and shared values.
Firing one is downright awkward and potentially damaging to both your business and your friendship.
This is what leadership is made of, but it is also what friendship is made of.