The crew from the Type 23 frigate was undergoing combat training at the time.
During its deployment in the south Atlantic, the frigate travelled 35, 340 miles (57, 000km) and visited 13 ports.
By operating as a swarm, a frigate or destroyer would be overwhelmed by the sheer number of attackers.
Germany, while generous to refugees, has provided only one frigate and eight aircraft.
The frigate - one of 20 being built - will mainly be deployed on escort missions and for anti-submarine operations.
Fourteen aircraft -- 12 Brazilian and two French -- were participating, along with five Brazilian ships and one French frigate.
The HMS Cornwall is a Type 22 Frigate fully capable of protecting the men and woman on the two inflatable boats.
Helicopters from the Cumberland and the Russian frigate Neustrashimy helped thwart the attempted hijacking of the Danish ship on November 11.
The men were captured by a British frigate in the Gulf of Aden in November and brought to Kenya for trial.
All eight were delivered to Kenya after their capture by the British frigate HMS Cumberland in the Gulf of Aden.
The radar-rattling also raises questions about who gave the orders or whether the frigate captains were acting at their own discretion.
The 3, 500 ton warship is a type 23 Duke Class frigate, the mainstay of Britain's surface fleet, which entered service in 1997.
In 1799, the British frigate HMS Lutine sank off the Dutch coast.
The first ship in India's 10-year plan to modernize its navy, the frigate is one of nine vessels to be commissioned this year.
The German navy frigate Karlsruhe responded to an emergency call from the Wabi Al Arab Thursday morning, sending helicopters to the stricken vessel.
On Thursday Russia said it would send more ships to the region to join the frigate Neustrashimy, already taking part in anti-piracy operations.
Last year HMS Clyde was the first vessel to emerge from the Hampshire naval base since 1967, when Leander-class frigate HMS Andromeda was completed.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Hampshire | Warship HMS Clyde is commissioned
Originally designed as a specialist anti-submarine ship, the Type 22 frigate evolved into a powerful surface combatant with substantial anti-surface, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft weapons systems.
The Type 056 stealth frigate has a sleek design that helps it evade radar detection, and needs just one-third of the crew used by its predecessor.
An Indian frigate battled a pirate ship in the Gulf of Aden on Tuesday, leaving the ship ablaze and likely sunk, the country's defense ministry reported.
The current HMS Campbeltown, a Type 22 frigate, is named after a wartime vessel which was deliberately blown up in a daring operation nearly 70 years ago.
James II agreed to sponsor a second voyage, this time providing the frigate Assistance and a force of 200 men to protect the divers and their booty.
She has already admitted to the judges that her job then was, quite simply, to try to move Mr Dumas from his opposition to the frigate deal.
The tribunal in Hamburg ordered that Ghana should "forthwith and unconditionally release the frigate ARA Libertad" and ensure the ship and its crew can leave Ghanaian waters.
Selected by ballot from the 180-strong crew of the type 23 frigate, the men are trying to raise money for the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity.
Fitted with an array of weapons to enhance her capability, the frigate is capable of near silent running and has a stealth design which significantly reduces its radar signature.
No shots were fired, though at one stage an Icelandic captain did order his guns to be manned, in the face of somewhat superior firepower from a Royal Navy frigate.
As it is, if I want my scouts to attack only Ion Frigates, I might have to select a very large group of mixed enemies or attack one frigate at a time.
Britain, France and Italy, having recently decided, after years of dithering, not to build a frigate together, still hope to produce a joint sea-based air-defence system which would have some capacity against missiles.
Naval frigate Dartmouth which was deployed against Jacobites in 1690 and sank on 9 October 1690 off the small island of Eilean Rubha an Ridire at the southern entrance to the Sound of Mull.