The pay rise attracted criticism from various consumer groups, including the National Campaign for Water Justice.
Out of those 70% were domestic visitors and 30% were from overseas, the report said.
Both candidates agreed on something else, too: Important statements should be made from mansions.
He made a wisecrack about dealing with deflation, if necessary, by dropping dollar bills from aircraft.
This ruling prompted Harris to demand written statements from the counties explaining their reasons for recounting.
He is the first Mormon from a major party to contest the presidential election.
Admission to Easter in 3D, open daily from 9:30 am to 8 pm, is 7.50 euros.
From Mumbai to Rio to New Orleans, organized tours of poor areas have grown in popularity.
From Monday the entire BBC news operation will be based at Broadcasting House in central London.
My own take on it is that the music comes from a lot of different places.
She's the woman who built eBay from a scrappy start-up to a global force.
But, aside from the lack of pools, swimming in Britain is in good condition.
He bought the entertainment and merchandising rights to Olie from creator William Joyce of Shreveport, La.
Millennium did launch medicines that it got from acquisitions funded by its lucrative deals.
We eliminated sector funds from consideration because they tend to do well in spurts only.
There are others apart from the British who insist the project needs far-reaching reform.
Three men - two from London and one from Liverpool - were cautioned for ticket touting.
We then looked at how the film did with critics, using measurements from
To stop insurgents from blowing up convoys, he's lined the roads here with American troops.
Some of the most dramatic sights in the territory are those from the ground up.
Despite support from MPs, and the British embassy in Moscow, officials demanded extra payments and paperwork.
Black Wolf's singing is timeless, and the album, Noble says, takes its cues from hip-hop.
Single people, nobody is stopping you from buying the racetrack-friendly Lotus Elise you lust after.
Emerging from the main buildings, outdoor xeriscaped gardens flourish with more than 30, 000 plants.
Drive 19 miles from the Nisqually entrance and you are in Paradise - literally.
Senator Arlen Specter has scheduled a Judiciary Committee hearing for a week from today.
Perhaps a memento from his time at Wellcome might inspire him in difficult times ahead.
As a result, the silks have now achieved recognition from the style-conscious shoppers of Singapore.
Likewise, Credit Suisse First Boston has talked about an exit from its merchant bank.
And Vatsaloo returns from Baan Borang this month and will soon be planning his next trip.