Railway trains roared through, and Bip, bouncing and swaying in his seat, struggled to keep his suitcase from falling out of the rack.
You see, there has always been a tension between the desire to allow markets to function without interference and the absolute necessity of rules to prevent markets from falling out of kilter.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Tells Wall Street to Back Reform
He dropped out of international contention in 1994 and suffered from a high-profile falling out with Bertie Vogts, but forced his way back at the age of 37 with a series of impressive performances for Bayern.
The people who lose out from falling house prices are not house-price obsessives, but those who are elderly, about to trade down, or emigrate.
And the Swiss-based bank UBS Warburg was one of the first banks to take a publicly negative stance on dot.com stocks, recommending that investors sell-out from falling stocks, such as Freeserve, as early as June.
He left Welsh rugby two seasons ago when he moved to Edgeley Park from the Llanelli Scarlets after falling out of favour at Stradey Park.
The country's current best player, a Muslim fundamentalist called Muhammad Yousuf (who controversially converted from Christianity in 2005), has been banned from playing for Pakistan after falling out with the PCB.
Finding the parts you need to keep a house from falling apart, and then figuring out what to do with them once you get home, is a monumental task.
But it was only 50 years before they disappeared from women's feet too, falling out of favour after the French Revolution.
When they removed it from the fence post they noticed the feathers falling out and made their discovery.
BBC: An owl has been rescued after being found in a small pipe.
That stops them from falling over, at least until they run out of acceptable collateral (and see this previous post).
Television cameras showed debris falling from the sky and power transformers being knocked out by high winds.
On the other hand, South and West Asia have made significant progress, with the number of children out-of-school falling from 39 to 13 million between 1990 and 2010.
She had passed the day waiting for an apology from Ilsa Brooks, with whom she had had a falling out after arguing over a movie they had seen together on a recent Sunday afternoon.
From the apple falling on Newton's head to batteries made out of root extract, scientists have long turned to nature for ideas.
ENGADGET: Nature-inspired nano-material builds a better electrode, points to greener future (video)
In 2005, they had a falling-out and one notified the other he was withdrawing from the partnership.
FORBES: Legal Tip: No Such Thing as a One-Person "Partnership"
Television cameras showed debris falling from the sky west of Oklahoma City and power transformers being knocked out by high winds across a wider area.
WSJ: Tornado-Hit Oklahoma Struck Again; Mother and Baby Dead
The 26-year-old from Portugal looked down and out when she slipped on the turf while falling a double-break down at 4-0, and Williams wrapped up the first set in just 27 minutes.
Analysts also point out that the markets have other safeguards to keep them from falling too sharply, with circuit breakers that halt trading on the Dow Jones industrials after falls of 850, 1, 750 and 2, 600 points.
You can turn it in for dollars, but if the value of gold is falling from where you bought it you end up with less dollars than what you started out with.
The pair worked together briefly at the Tupelo insurance agency of Mr. Curtis's older brother, Jack, and may have had a falling out over plans for Mr. Dutschke to publish in his newsletter information from Mr. Curtis about what Mr. Curtis alleges was a scheme by a northern Mississippi medical center to traffic in human body parts and organs, according to the court testimony.
The children of today, he wrote, were missing out on "falling into ponds, eating poisonous berries, contracting stomach ache from under-ripe stolen apples, getting lost, being bitten by dogs, fighting and starting fires, sitting in cowpats and acquiring bumps the size of a duck egg on their heads".
As a recent study from the Brookings Institution points out, the welfare rolls in America's biggest cities may be falling, but they are doing so much more slowly than in the surrounding counties.
The EarthView survey, conducted by Frederick Schneiders Research on behalf of the National 4-H Council and Honda, found that teen-agers and baby boomers agree that government and industry are falling short of their environmental obligations and that time is running out to protect the Earth from permanent environmental damage.
According to Ms Shriver, for over a decade the players have been more and more protected, while the sport itself has been falling further and further behind other sports in attracting a new generation of players from all backgrounds and in carrying out the international ambassadorial role for which she believes it to be so suitable.
Many companies on the Bulletin Board are there after having been bounced from the major exchanges for failing to meet listing requirements: for falling below minimum market capitalization or for neglecting to mail out proxies.