"We know listeners are already benefiting from the choice of channels available at the moment, " Mr Cox said.
It is all at stake this November, and you can see from the choice we have on the other side.
There's plenty of settings to tinker with, aside from the choice between full resolution 38 (or 34) megapixel images and oversampled five-megapixel shots.
ENGADGET: Nokia 808 PureView impressions, camera showdown with the iPhone 4S and HTC One S
BBH, for example, has nearly finished a new malting plant, the largest in Russia, freeing it from the choice between poor-quality Russian supplies or expensive imports.
Even those who don't exercise choice benefit from the added information choice brings.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech
Kearney reported in its semi-annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index survey that among Japanese, Malaysia had dropped from the top choice in June to No. 32.
In doing so, we freed Britain at long last from the reactionary choice that dominated British politics for so long: between individual prosperity and a caring society.
Lord Warner said it would allow the NHS to respond to patient choice - from the end of the year people will be given a choice of up to five hospitals for treatment.
But the 164-strong rump of the parliamentary Tory party, which forms the electorate, is so traumatised by Labour's landslide and by past divisions over Europe that it may well turn away from the obvious choice.
But the Wales boss admits he may have made the wrong choice from the start against Scotland, whose back-row of Kelly Brown, John Barclay and John Beattie outshone the Wales breakaway.
Green Valley Ranch: This is where my local friends go, and the best choice away from the hustle and bustle of The Strip.
FORBES: 10 Best Las Vegas Sports Events - And Where To Watch Them
The command, "Thou shalt not place a stumbling block in front of the blind man" also means that you should not act deceitfully or obscure the truth from those whose choice depends upon the information you give them.
Goretti Horgan from the Alliance for Choice organisation which published the letter, explained why she signed.
It simply removes the union security clause from the contract, giving workers the choice of whether they want to be members of the union.
FORBES: A Deep Secret That Labor Unions Don't Want Workers to Know
There is a choice in this election: the two main candidates are not clones, and thoughtful Mr John Anderson, with no prospect of winning and no party to run congress if he did, is no real escape from the poverty of choice.
Mr Le Ray said Lagan Construction was chosen as the preferred choice from four bidders based on its meeting most of the set criteria at the highest level.
The 29-year-old centre from New Zealand is the surprise choice of coach Ian McGeechan, who announced, on Wednesday, the squad which will travel to Italy for the opening match on 5 Feb.
Brass was the favoured choice after gaining respect from the fans over the way he and all the York players dealt with the club going into administration.
Investors have paid more attention to the industry's plague of debts than to its efforts to become the channel of choice for Internet access from the home.
This fantastical construct conveniently enables net neutrality proponents to claim that every technology is an island and must be economically-regulated to protect consumers from the benefits of competitive choice.
They pull the rug out from under the status quo and expand customer choice.
Under the NCAA rule, his other choice is to withdraw from the competitive sport at the NCAA level.
FORBES: The Devilish Details Of The NCAA's New Genetic Testing Rules
The states could then provide federal assistance to the poor to purchase the private health insurance of their choice, freeing them from the Medicaid ghetto that so badly underpays doctors and hospitals that the poor on Medicaid suffer trouble in finding essential care.
"I entered this race in 2011 to offer the voters of New York City a choice that was different from the career politicians who at the time seemed likely to be the only mayoral candidates in the campaign-to-come, but the equation has changed in the months since, " Allon said Monday.
If you are facing an interview, then I encourage you to email me for a 15-minute free consultation to learn more about how I have helped professionals go from second choice and no job offers to becoming the only choice and receiving multiple job offers.
The Hampshire man was considered by some pundits as the more progressive choice of captain after Vaughan resigned from the role on Monday.
In 2010, the pro-choice Republican senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, delivered the commencement address at the Boston College School of Law.
"It surprised me that a big coach from a big country made the choice to come to Twente, " he said.
Switzerland - the adoptive homes of celebrities from the world over - appears to be the destination of choice for prominent French exiles.
Users buying products from the platform will have a choice to pay through either credit card or other third-party system such as WeiboPay or Alipay.
FORBES: WeiboPay Helps Sina Reach $57 With Foray Into China's Online Payments Market