Romney is currently seen as the front-runner to win the Republican nomination for president in 2012.
Centre-left leader, Pier Luigi Bersani, has backed the front-runner, Franco Marini, as candidate for president.
He attacked the front-runner as a man who put making money before creating jobs.
If I'm the front-runner now, I want to continue doing that all through (fall) camp.
While Hunt is the front-runner headed to summer camp, he promises to have some stiff competition.
Joseph Lhota, the current GOP front-runner, declined to take a position on the deal.
Fifty-seven percent have a favorable view of the Republican front-runner, down from 63 percent in September.
As he contests the primaries, the Republican front-runner is the victim of a double squeeze.
What Democrats likely don't need are rivals with little hope of winning tearing down the front-runner.
Romney's lead in those states is shrinking, but in South Carolina, he's now a front-runner.
The front-runner in the mayoral race in Rio, to be held in October, is Marcelo Crivella.
Gov. Gray Davis is the front-runner in the campaign for the Democratic nomination for governor.
Front-runner Mitt Romney got 75, 525 media mentions during the past month, compared with 21, 784 for Paul.
CNN: Campaign tech scorecard: Tracking the candidates online
Bill Bradley, Mr Gore's Democratic rival, and George W. Bush, the Republican front-runner, are free-traders.
This does not help the cause of the front-runner, Shinzo Abe, the 51-year-old cabinet secretary.
Mr Bush is still the party's front-runner, and still stands a fair chance in November.
Francois Hollande, the front-runner to become the next French president, set out his stall yesterday.
Hitachi trains are the front-runner in the competition to replace all of the UK's fleet of inter-city high-speed trains.
But having been considered the front-runner for months, the projected third-place finish was disappointing.
Critics suggested Ms. Quinn, the Democratic front-runner, hoped to soften her tough-talking image amid slipping poll numbers.
WSJ: Politicians Get Personal in This Year's New York Mayoral Race
Ruggiano, originally considered the front-runner to start in center field, has been sidelined with a tight back.
Mr Venizelos, the front-runner to succeed him, may have to put in a longish spell in opposition.
ECONOMIST: Tough fiscal negotiations run into hard political reality
He was an early Heisman front-runner, but he faded in October as Baylor lost three of four.
Thompson was referring rather to the lack of a front-runner, a situation abhorrent to Republicans' political nature.
Should the front-runner stumble for some reason, Mr McCain is now placed to become his party's nominee.
Since Mr Giuliani is the front-runner for the Republican nomination, albeit a faltering one, this detail matters.
The movie was already a front-runner thanks to its reception at the recent Venice film festival.
Amr Moussa, the former foreign minister and secretary-general of the Arab League, is at present the front-runner.
ECONOMIST: Egypt��s presidential race: Wanted: maybe a president? | The
Lhota, the front-runner among Republican candidates, is emphasizing his fiscal knowledge and mix of government and private-sector experience.
The newspaper described Republican front-runner George W. Bush as an "empty suit" when it endorsed Forbes in December.