The keyboard takes up half of the front face of the device, but its functionality is really limited.
On its front face, the 8X appears identical to the global version, bearing HTC's logo just beneath the earpiece.
ENGADGET: HTC Windows Phone 8X for T-Mobile: what's different?
We do appreciate the relatively narrow bezel, though the backside and front face have a few too many glossy bits.
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Thankfully, much of that front face is dominated by the 8-inch screen -- the surrounding bezels are generous enough to accommodate thumbs without hampering the tablet's overall flair.
The pleasing, textured backplate ends abruptly on the edges instead of continuing to curve gently up to the front face, forming hard lines that dig into your palms.
ENGADGET: Lenovo IdeaTab S2110 review: a competent Transformer competitor running Android 4.0
On the front face of the unit you've got your standard "back" and "forward" buttons plus a slider, which keeps it simple and works intuitively to navigate in and out of the menu hierarchies.
Once you've come down from the initial shock, HTC's subtle flairs begin to peek out, like the solid colored speaker grill that serves to break the front face's expanse of glass with a shock of vibrancy.
Whereas the Note 10.1 positioned its speakers on the front face (read: out of the way of consumers' hands), the Note 8.0's smaller size and portrait orientation mean users will have to be mindful about not covering the lower speaker when watching video in landscape.
Eventually, I found my arms reluctantly outstretched with a ludicrously large tourist map in front of my face.
He tented his hands in front of his face, as if they could shield him from seeing Bridey.
"On the day I got laid off I got a packet slapped in front of my face and that was it, " she says.
CNN: Few laid-off workers keep health insurance, report says
Placing his hands in front of his face, like goggles, he pursues Ofelia with a shuffling gait, his outstretched fingers like grotesque eyelashes.
Imagine what those same people might experience after having a 3D map float in front of their face while walking through New York City.
He pressed several buttons to find out what news the shrill tones had in store for him, and he held it out in front of his face.
In the meantime, you can improve the ventilation at your seat by turning on the overhead air vent to low and positioning the airflow to be slightly in front of your face.
During the chant they walk through the church towards the chancel, the singer carrying a sword in his or her hands, held upright in front of the face, while the altar boys or girls carry candles.
On a recent visit to the House of Blues and Jazz, the tall, blond hostess was dressed in a floor-length evening gown, with a bright red hat angled down the front of her face and an intriguing Russian accent.
While we admire the effort of those gaudy, unsightly microdisplay-equipped goggles to bring big screen theatrics to the front of your face, they aren't likely to win any style contests, nor help you garner any friendly attention.
ENGADGET: Lumus-Optical unveils microdisplay-packin' designer glasses
One day, not long after she had endured yet another session under the surgeon's knife, he took a mirror from her dressing table and thrust it in front of her face to reflect the livid scars and the bruising under her eyes.
Along with their two large compound eyes, they have three eyes on the front of their face between the compound eyes, and they have the ability to move their heads nearly completely around to see in all directions, giving them remarkable eyesight.
"It's very human - when you look at it, the full face is in front of you, you look straight into the eyes and face, " he said.
Floor plans also observed feng shui: Stairwells, for example, don't directly face the front door, for ideal energy-flow.
The scientists found that parts of the spine thought to face the front of the animal, in fact faced the back - and vice versa.
Unfortunately, to reap the benefits of the Optimal Light Therapy System, you have to spend 30 minutes with your face in front of a blinding, bright light.
As such sources are now nearly exhausted, military officers on the front lines of freedom face the prospect of being unable to help kick-start new projects or, worse yet, failing to complete some of those already underway.
The press hailed this always-hoped-for upset: praise be, a new face for the front page.
Natasha said her child rolled herself onto her front, which saved her face.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Girl, six, mauled by rottweilers
Wait until you have a live customer in front of you for a face-to-face presentation before you attempt to communicate your most complex messages.
Usually patients have less serious mutations: a single front tooth or a slightly deformed face.