When it comes to eccentric festivals, Frozen Dead Guy Days may take the cake.
Furthermore, fewer bakeries are making baguettes in the traditional way, relying on frozen bread to save costs.
Builders run water over custom-built racks and harvest the frozen pieces to apply them to the growing structures.
Meanwhile, teachers, their pay frozen in the budget, have been on strike for nearly a month.
The streets are frozen in white, the iron lamplights jet black against the stonework.
He adds that fish frozen immediately at sea is fresher than so-called fresh fish.
The shards represent small fragments of magma ejected from a volcano that have "frozen" in flight.
Dinamation is in dire financial straits, with most of its dinos reportedly frozen in warehouses.
Acquisitions are stalling because of frozen credit markets, which make it difficult to locate financing.
Firefly is frozen in time, in a suspended state of entrepreneurial joy and limitless optimism.
Elsewhere, small villages that rely on frozen streams for transport are stranded by flowing water.
The dividend proceeds are frozen for all 120 investors while the case is still ongoing.
FORBES: Professor Goes to Prison: Part II Pope, Milan and Hostetler
They should, say the Tories, have stuck to the English way and frozen council tax.
Shoe-horned into their entertainment, they passively accept mini-lectures about detergents, frozen foods, hair coloring and beer.
It was the bad eye, the frozen eye, that seemed to inspect what he leaned toward.
Visitors should wear warm clothes and winter boots to keep from slipping on the frozen floors.
He wants all public spending frozen - as against the current freeze for Whitehall departmental budgets.
The huge lake isn't frozen yet, but ice surrounds the large boulders near the shore.
Legal disputes over the custody of frozen embryos became a staple of divorce proceedings.
My frozen fix is only costing two quid, making it the beauty bargain of London.
For Noah, talk of the Icee game triggered a craving for the sweet, fizzy, frozen drink.
Traces of horsemeat have been found in numerous processed beef frozen meals across Europe.
BBC: Horsemeat scandal: Dutch uncover large-scale meat fraud
Her pale thin fingers, which never seemed to match her strength, were like frozen twigs.
Now both must also contend with McDonald's entry into the frozen and specialty coffee market.
After trying a Bayless concoction with Mexican ingredients, Valdes suggested that Frontera market frozen pizzas.
In one case, a man was found frozen and pulseless after a suicide attempt.
Expensive chilled meals were up by 8.1%, compared with just 1.6% growth in frozen ones.
Comigel supplies tens of thousands of tons of frozen meals to around 15 countries.
FORBES: The Romanian Horse Cart Ban That's (Probably) Behind Europe's Horse Meat Scandal
But conversation has a vital import lacking in the fixed and frozen words of written speech.
NPR: 'Talking Right': Why the Left Is Losing, Linguistically
But with a full year to digest the uncertain economy, the cash spigot is frozen.