But women understand that, even with frozen eggs, they don't have forever.
WSJ: Why I Froze My Eggs (And You Should, Too)
The good news is that frozen eggs have a high survival rate, and no increased risk of genetic defects among frozen-egg offspring have been reported thus far.
CNN: Women, consider freezing your eggs
One woman decided to stop waiting for the right man at the right moment and explored using donor sperm to have a baby on her own, using her frozen eggs.
WSJ: Why I Froze My Eggs (And You Should, Too)
There had been fears expressed, when licences were given out allowing clinics to keep frozen eggs, that women would freeze eggs when young and save them for use at the end of their career.
BBC: IVF 'fastest way to get pregnant'
The women who had an average age of 38 did not expect to use their frozen eggs until they were around 43 and they realised they needed to undergo the procedure while they were still healthy and fertile.
BBC: Women freeze eggs to wait for 'Mr Right'
There is another benefit of egg-freezing technology that many people don't know about: If your own frozen eggs don't survive thawing or fertilization or fail to grow into robust embryos, you can go online to one of the many commercial egg banks popping up across the country and order a batch of frozen eggs donated by a woman who looks like you.
WSJ: Why I Froze My Eggs (And You Should, Too)
Some women those undergoing cancer-related hysterectomy, for example have eggs frozen before their operations.
ECONOMIST: Genetic damage and paternal age: Father figures | The
In Dr Djerassi's future world, men and women will have their sperm and eggs frozen in their 20s and then undergo sterilisation, free to pursue their professional and sexual interests content in the knowledge that their cells can be safely resurrected and reliably made to unite in a test-tube whenever they want a child.
ECONOMIST: LAST WORD: Godfather of the Pill | The
Vasquez continued to save her things and always kept her freezer packed with food -- like frozen cactus to eat with her scrambled eggs -- because she'd lived through harsh times.
CNN: Great Depression holds lessons for surviving tough economy
Doctors used the eggs produced from her first fertility treatment, which had been deep frozen for 18 months.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Midlands | Clinic creates frozen egg twins
They say that when the eggs are thawed they are in almost as good a condition as before being frozen.
BBC: NEWS | Health | UK clinics to offer egg freezing