"In our view, maths and English tells the story - you can't fudge maths and English, " he says.
To fudge and fiddle with the rules is just to weaken the original objective.
Mr Cameron's push for a health-care revamp looks like turning into a familiar NHS fudge.
ECONOMIST: Big changes to the government��s plan for the NHS
L.Fudge cookies climbed 23% this year after Kellogg added Butterfinger and S'mores cream filling.
But now something of a synthesis (the Conservatives say a fudge) seems to be emerging.
Kraft Foods this month launched a range of lower-carb foods, including fudge brownies and snack bars.
Nor will France and Germany be particularly thrilled with the fudge on bankers' pay.
Attempts to speed up the abolition of tariffs on some goods produced a relatively harmless fudge.
Instead there was another fudge, with neither the governments nor the ECB doing enough.
ECONOMIST: Britain had a bad summit, but the euro zone had a worse one
The immediate likelihood, therefore, is for another serving of fudge in the 2005-06 budget.
Besides, Europe is about deal-making, about fudge and smudge, about warm exhortations meaning nothing precise.
During the summer, Mackinac hosts the world's longest freshwater yacht race and an annual fudge festival.
Some insurance companies, too, worry that the commission's fudge could make their accounts more volatile.
Thus far the coalition parties have finessed their differences by fudge, abstention, and creative ambiguity.
The agreement by the troika (the EU, the IMF and the ECB) is a fudge.
The next few months will probably see a lot of posturing, followed by a fudge.
Western discord followed by a further fudge is certainly possible if the talks stall again.
Even to supporters it seemed like a fudge, but it turned out to be a resounding success.
The French will try to fudge what is happening - but it will amount to a default.
In short, a purist interpretation of the pact will be displaced by the real world of political fudge.
After all, even if these folks did fudge a bit about their experience, the profits speak for themselves.
FORBES: Seven Years Of Smoke And Mirrors In $1 Million Hedge Fund Scam
For dessert, a sublime ice cream studded with sugar cane fudge is a calorific killer but hard to resist.
There seems to be room to fudge this requirement, if serious deliberations can be said to be in progress.
This time round a proposed fudge would let individual states veto foreign supermarkets, though that may not prove legal.
Thomas, guys from Vanilla Fudge, and Three Dog Night got up on stage to jam with the house band.
Yet no British policy would be complete without a healthy dose of fudge.
"What we have today is a fudge between the coalition parties, " she said.
Not surprisingly, the Tories have therefore made a determined effort to fudge the distinction between asylum-seekers and the rest.
But a deal, or even a fudge that would at least allow normal trade relations, looks all but impossible.
Labour says the plans are "a political fudge" and that the new measures are "mostly" the same as their predecessors.