The new standards will save American businesses who operate and own these commercial vehicles tens of billions of dollars in fuel costs and will dramatically reduce oilconsumption and cut pollution.
Earlier this year, Whole Foods ( WFMI) became the first Fortune 500 company to announce it would attempt to reduce its consumption of fuel derived from the oil sands.
Even more dramatic fuel savings can be achieved - both in terms of the costs and the consumption of foreign oil - if millions of Americans start driving not just fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles, but FFV-capable plug-in hybrids (PIH) with 500 mile-per-gallon-of-gasoline (mpgg) performance.
Think about it: We established new fuel economy standards, a historic accomplishment that is going to slash oilconsumption by about 12 billion barrels, dramatically reduces pollution that contributes to climate change, and saves consumers thousands of dollars at the pump, which they can then go spend on something else.
With four-dollar-a-gallon fuel prices here at home, it's simple to just look at fuelconsumption as a way to save a few dollars and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.