All of Felip-Soler's meals, from appetiser to dessert, are cooked over open, wood-fuelled fires outdoors.
On Earth, sea-floor spreading is fuelled by molten rock upwelling from deep inside the Earth.
Ever-more-available shale gas brought a cheap and reliable alternative route to domestically fuelled electricity.
Its Russian liquid-fuelled first-stage is said to produce 1, 700 kilonewtons of thrust at launch.
In other words, fair value did not just worsen the bust: it also fuelled the boom.
ECONOMIST: An accounting standard comes under the microscope
Bell argues that the insurgency was fuelled by the extraordinarily tenacious hold of religious culture.
The debacle has fuelled debate about how far such speculation should go in future.
Chelsea also released a statement praising Drogba's apology and claiming his actions were fuelled by frustration.
This growth has been fuelled primarily by institutional money: businesses, pension funds and local governments.
Both experiences fuelled his brother's resentment against the US military presence in Iraq, he said.
Hard or soft, commodities have fuelled desire, greed and war since the days of Pharaoh.
During the late 20th century, we fuelled a consumer boom that has well and truly peaked.
This gigantic pulsating hub of Tokyo's gastronomic systems pumps at a frenetic, fish-fuelled pace.
That is a worry, because investors' appetite for these securities fuelled the boom in riskier mortgages.
Registrations of petrol-fuelled cars have risen by 12.1% so far in 2013, outselling diesels.
Once you are fuelled up, venture outside for a plethora of activity right at your doorstep.
Yet excitement about the once humble stick of chewy stuff has fuelled intense interest in Adams.
Thirdly, Germany actually benefited from the debt-fuelled boom in its southern European export markets.
The plant already provides 110MW of gas-fuelled power to EDM and the South African utility Eskom.
We don't know yet if this a true McCain surge or a Palin-fuelled convention bounce.
Oil exports and foreign loans have spurred economic growth and have fuelled a reconstruction boom.
As in France, the Dutch no vote was fuelled by a strong anti-establishment feeling.
More than 20% of all anti-social behaviour incidents were said to have been fuelled by drink.
The mahout riding the lead elephant, armed with a shotgun, was fuelled with local firewater.
He blames students, fuelled by cheap drinks during the week, for much of the problem.
The corporate sector has not generated the profits and investments that would have fuelled economic growth.
Det Ch Insp Karen Baxter said the majority of such incidents were fuelled by alcohol.
The top half would use the liquid-fuelled core-stage technology and engine that powers the Ariane 5.
It said the rise of the world's fourth-largest economy was mainly fuelled by investments and exports.
Aside from a region-wide property boom, this has fuelled a surge in Arab stock indices.