Students also use the results to decide which subjects to take as full A-levels.
It would instead become a stand-alone qualification, taken alongside full A-levels after two years in the sixth form.
Mr Hicks said as full a version of the report as possible would be made public very soon.
Neither can it sell as full a video-on-demand service, because it beams the same television signal across whole regions.
We have a full-time social worker, a full-time librarian, a full-time P.
It's a full-featured Android tablet, a full-featured gaming console with a controller when docked on the TV and it's a smart TV device.
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Earlier in December a full council rejected an option of a full deal with BT to privatise a number of key council services.
The rules are that you must have been a full-time employee, and today are either a full-time investor or a full-time entrepreneur with a company.
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And this student, if taking three full A-levels, will take another 18 papers in June of the upper sixth year, plus any re-takes from AS-levels.
At the same time the AS-level would no longer be a stepping stone exam that counts towards a full A-level but instead become a stand-alone qualification.
The letter says that under Labour AS-levels would continue to be building blocks towards A-levels and students would continue to choose which AS-level subjects they take as full A-levels.
By 2010, the government promises that the schools exam timetable and university admissions system would be changed to allow pupils to have their full A-level results before applying to university.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teenagers 'must pass 3Rs tests'
However he warned that there was a danger that some schools might decide to enter pupils for four of the new AS-level exams in Year 12, followed by three full A-levels in Year 13.
The Samsung rep kindly jacked up the sound for us while we were there, and while it's tough to give it a full critique from a busy show floor, it certainly seemed loud enough, and gave the full surround system -- in a glass room just to the side of it -- a run for its money.
As the team entered the Entrepreneurs Challenge, Kapler joked that she had three jobs at the same time: a full-time entrepreneur, a part-time worker, and a full-time contestant.
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In Washington state, Republican Senate candidate Dino Rossi has made a full repeal a focus of his candidacy.
E. teacher, a full-time art teacher, a full-time music teacher, and all of that will make the whole child.
In December the full council rejected a full deal with BT to privatise a number of key council services.
Mr. BOYD: We're a full partner, and have been a full partner, in this ferret reintroduction, and we are committing to see it succeed.
And trimming excess weight can have a dramatic effect: every 100lb (about 45kg) removed from a Ford Focus, for example, improves its fuel-economy by a full mile a gallon.
You'll also get more ports than you would on some other Windows RT devices: not one, but two USB connections, along with a full-sized HDMI socket and a full-sized SD reader to match.
His parents each gave him a full dollar a week to spend on stamps, and when the Casa Loma Orchestra wasn't playing in New York and was out touring, Mr. Axman sent Earl envelopes with airmail stamps postmarked from cities everywhere.
Whether or not the victims "ultimately prevail in court, they deserve a full apology, and they deserve a full accounting of everything that happened and everything that the school failed to do to protect its students, " Mr. Bauer said in an interview.
While it has far more locations, around 1, 500 throughout the British Isles, it is a more of a full service bakery that carries pasties alongside a full range of other baked goods.
Today, it's a full-service health clinic serving about 200 patients a week, with four full-time staffers and a good number of volunteers.
CNN: Doctor's free clinic a 'tiny Band-Aid' to pain of Katrina
With a full supply of candles and a freezer full of fish, Ms. Gowen said she predicted the storm would turn away from the historic town.
Syria will not initiate a full-scale war against Israel because it would lose a full-scale war.
Members rejected an option of a full deal with BT to privatise various key services at a full council meeting.
But when you go to view a full message there is often a delay while the full text downloads (at least on my iPhone 4).
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For example, think about explaining the current social media landscape to a room full of senior citizens versus a room full college students.