On Friday, he said it was great to see his life come full circle.
Now, in his first collection for five years, Mr Heaney seems to have come full circle.
ECONOMIST: The Irish poet's new collection is his best for years
The remarkable chair can carry a 198-pound person and turn in a full circle.
He said it was "comical" that he has come full circle, in a way.
The process comes full circle when conditions change again, turning the gene back on.
Optimistic Democrats argue that, in two hectic years, the wheel has gone full circle.
Whereas the right used to be reticent and the Socialists keen, things have come full circle.
Another rewarding part of my job, which brings me full circle, is doing some teaching.
But the fact is, the media in this country - we're kind of going full circle.
If the asylum seekers end up sleeping in the streets of Calais, the situation will have come full circle.
And looking at my daughters, I thought of how things come full circle.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Commencement Address at Miami Dade College | The White House
"Our community will rest when the legal process has come full circle and justice has been served, " he said.
It's the owl's greatest trick - turning its head almost a full circle.
Now, with another round of names coming, the UBS mess comes full circle.
FORBES: Judge Gives IRS Access To More Accounts At UBS And Wegelin
"It goes full circle across the whole spectrum - they're trying to find as many violations as possible, " he added.
BBC: Mark Knopfler cancels Russia gigs in human rights protest
The old Rochester Royals may be ready to come full circle, at least as far as the Royals part goes.
However, to come full circle, the industry creates and markets products designed to appeal to investor desires, rational and irrational.
FORBES: Everyone Wants Kool Aid: Pruning the Money Management Tree (October 29, 2008)
Its final comparison of monarchical legs suggests, unsettlingly, that the wheel had come full circle and the struggles had been futile.
ECONOMIST: French history: A drama, not a balance sheet | The
Recently, though, the cycle of innovation appears to have come full circle.
WSJ: Recycling Project: Green Cemeteries | WSJ.Money Summer 2013
Meanwhile, dad and I are set to come full circle, with tickets in hand for the July 25 Mets-Cardinals game at Shea.
He's come full circle and he seems to appreciate now what's important - he seems to really enjoy and appreciate running again.
"The New Order has come full circle, " says Indonesian journalist-poet Gunawan Mohamad.
"Grocery retailing has almost come full circle by coming back to the local store, " said Steve Gotham, senior analyst at Verdict Research.
Ms Kolata is an example of how things have come full circle.
The novels of London are now coming full circle, bringing a fuller cast into focus through two modern preoccupations: economic crisis and terrorism.
And so the fact that Saddam Hussein is now being tried in an Iraqi court by Iraqi justices brings the debate full circle.
Now that enterprise machines can fix their own deficiencies and be even more productive than their human counterparts, we have come full circle.
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Manzarek briefly tried to hold the band together on the albums "Other Voices" and "Full Circle, " neither of which had critical or commercial success.
Brin McCagg has more than 20 years of entrepreneurial and executive management experience at Control Point Solutions, Flight Options, TradeOut, and Full Circle.
FORBES: A Hiring Rebounding in Financial Services? Not In The U.S.
And if that proves to be the case, perhaps this time we will see Apple come full circle from antitrust underdog to antitrust violator.
FORBES: Will Apple iCloud Bring An Antitrust Litigation Storm?