That watered-down bill, now headed to the full House, passed the committee by 10 votes.
Then we will move to recommend a fair and appropriate punishment to the full House.
The full House followed, by a vote of 313 to 104 in early May.
It would take an effort to have a rocking full house for the dressage final.
The full House is expected to vote on it next week, according to a Democratic aide.
We should not dignify these articles of impeachment by sending them to the full House.
"I have to restrict my collecting or I'd have a full house of everything, " he says.
He has had the full Senate Republican caucus here, the full House Republican caucus here.
As The Economist went to press, George Bush's tax cut was proceeding to the full House for debate.
"I was playing some great tennis against the No. 1 in front of a full house, " he said.
By nightfall there is a full house, and I sleep cheek by jowl beside a variety of strangers.
Even the star of "America's Funniest Home Videos" and "Full House" can't escape the wrath of the Web unscathed.
The full House will then have its opportunity to act on our recommendations.
Eigsti performs before a full house at Seiji Ozawa Hall at the 2004 Tanglewood Jazz Festival in Lenox, Mass.
It now goes to the full House for consideration after a routine review.
The full House is scheduled to vote on the proposed punishment on Tuesday.
For now, the immediate question is, How many Democrats in the full House will vote to begin the inquiry?
We've never had a vote in the full House or the full Senate.
Such an interpretation transparently contradicts the intention of the full House of Representatives and would effectively gut the Durbin amendment.
The full House has yet to consider the bill, and the measure has not been taken up by the Senate yet.
This new emphasis is reflected by the booking of Sir Willard White, who will sing to a full house in September.
The Finance Committee is the last congressional panel to consider health care legislation before debate begins in the full House and Senate.
CNN: Senate panel votes down public option for health care bill
Other competitors in the services sector include: MTR Gaming Group (MNTG), Isle of Capri Casinos (ISLE), and Full House Resorts (FLL).
The full House is scheduled to vote on the measure next week.
It still has to pass the full House and the Senate, however.
Later, shows such as "The Cosby Show, " "Family Ties, " "Growing Pains" and "Full House" showcased caring dads of a new generation, Thompson says.
Once it is a full house, the boss walks in--Arvind Gaur, president of AITUC, Gurgaon, and also the chief of the union at HMSI.
The bill had a hearing before the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee of the full House Financial Services Committee a few weeks ago.
But the full House directed the Judiciary Committee to go through the supporting materials, including the videotape, to see what else to make public.
If the full House goes along with the recommendation, that alone will make him the first Speaker in history to be disciplined in any way.