The EWJ has failed to capture the full measure of the move higher in Japanese stocks.
And today, they gave their lives, that last full measure of devotion, to protect ours.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Servicemen and Women in Jacksonville, FL | The White House
It means continuing to insist on a full measure of justice in every aspect of American life.
Sotomayor countered that those were signs test scores alone do not offer the full measure of a person's capability.
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We believe the jury got it right and we intend to pursue the full measure of damages that we believe are owed to Oracle.
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The fact is, is that the reason why we wanted a vote on the full measure is because we believe in every piece of it.
They can have some of the above in full measure or all of the above in reduced form, but not all of the above as once promised.
That means that despite a push by the White House and Democrats for tougher gun control steps, Feinstein's full measure is given little chance of winning congressional approval.
CNN: 'Enough is enough,' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban
Unfortunately, the SEC has not disclosed much in the way of personal information about the whistleblower, so it is difficult to take a full measure of what the individual may have contributed to any SEC investigations.
Rather than dismiss my proposal, Al gave me the full measure of his time and insight even though a new generation of ground-based full-motion simulators based upon advanced digital computer technology was emerging, which FlightSafety would later incorporate.
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Through times of tranquility and the throes of change, the Constitution has always guided our course toward fulfilling that most noble promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve the chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.
And I want you to know that we will never forget the sacrifice and service of the American soldiers who gave their lives for people whose names they never knew, and whose faces they never saw, and yet people who have lived in freedom thanks to the bravery and valour of the Americans who gave the "last full measure of devotion".
The full detector will measure more than 200 feet long, 50 feet wide and 50 feet tall.
The British Council has yet to apply the nationality data to the choice of courses, but even under the old domicile measure full-time postgraduate overseas students outnumbered the UK students in three fifths of subject areas.
For committed meditators, cultivating this wisdom of seeing clearly is at the very heart of the mindfulness meditation practice that trains us to step out from behind the curtain of our restless minds and touch life directly, getting a full, authentic measure of our experience beyond self-deception and impulsiveness.
The GOP-controlled House Tuesday passed a measure that would help states update their background-check systems. ( Full story) The measure had moved quickly in the wake of the shootings, which have left nine people dead and two wounded.
As hardly any of them do immunise their stock-option programmes (by buying equal and offsetting options), and were therefore exposed to rising share prices, their true profits, on a full-cost accounting measure, were only 37% of those published, according to Smithers.
Reid himself won't commit to the measure until a full review, his office said.
And only two Democrats voted for the measure's full consideration, West Virginia's Robert Byrd and Nebraska's Ben Nelson.
Paul, a Kentucky Republican, is insisting the Senate debate the measure for a full 30 hours, which would extend beyond the midnight expiration.
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Baucus and five other committee members -- two fellow Democrats and three Republicans -- negotiated the compromise proposal for months before Baucus brought the measure to the full panel.
CNN: Senate panel votes down public option for health care bill
The Speaker ended up with a big, fat goose egg when he was unable to gain the support of a majority of House Republicans to bring the measure to a full vote.
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If Boehner sticks with his requirement that a majority of House GOP conference must approve the legislation before he agrees to bring the measure to a full vote of the House, the deal could be in trouble.
"Full searching is an important security measure against the smuggling of dangerous items into Wetherby, " a Prison Service spokesman said.
Activist organizations, including a group called the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality by Any Means Necessary, sued to invalidate Proposal 2, dividing lower federal courts and resulting in an 8-7 vote by the full Sixth Circuit striking down the measure.
It doesn't measure as much as a full-scale EKG, and patients must email the recording to a doctor for analysis.
Last time proponents of the same-sex marriage ban fell 12 votes short of getting the measure on the floor for full consideration.
The full House is to vote on the measure next week.
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The full House is scheduled to vote on the measure next week.