They were gleeful and full of hope about this new turn in our lives.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
You may sigh and long for the days when you felt free and full of hope.
Yet, despite the whispers of a few curmudgeons, the overall attitude was full of hope and inspiration.
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But it also portrays them as full of hope, walking confidently through zones of dappled light toward shining futures.
This has been just one part of what has made this conference so exciting and full of hope for me.
WHITEHOUSE: Bringing the International AIDS Conference to DC in 2012
But the folk at Foxwoods and Mohegan are still full of hope.
And pretty soon, young people just like yourself -- full of hope and promise -- end up becoming exactly what they fought against.
What I find enchanting about it, and other Mambazo pieces that speak of pain and suffering, is that it still sounds so full of hope.
I'm sure there will be a few of us asking questions of the hosts, but we're going into the tournament full of hope and very positive about everything.
The title refers to the marriage of Jamie and Cathy, two appealing, twenty-something New Yorkers who set out on their romantic journey full of hope, optimism and vigor.
Of course, we are here today to celebrate our journey of the last 60 years, one that has been -- always been marked by triumphs, sometimes heartache, but always full of hope.
"We have decided we are going to end this phase of the journey even more full of hope and even more committed to building a better America, " Clark told supporters Wednesday in Little Rock, Arkansas.
From Justino Mora, Angie Kim and Mehdi Mahraoui, to Diana Colin and Kevin Lee, all of the stories they shared were full of hope and optimism that one day their family members and their broader communities could realize the dream of becoming citizens of a country that has provided them with the opportunity to work hard and to succeed.
This will provide the GOP with an important lesson that Democrats, with their head full of idealism and hope and change, have learned over the past four years: the limited ability of the President to control the economy.
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But this film is also full of heart and hope, not to mention hilarity.
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If these kids that are living there can be so full of life and love and hope, then anybody can.
Boarding may never actually become trendy, least of all the full-time sort, but advocates of the system hope that innovation will at least arrest the sharp decline of recent years.
It might not look full of promise but a lot of hope is hanging on a big grey box at a Cornwall wind farm.
BBC: Roscrow wind farm tests strain of green energy on power grid
The pair cite British films like Brassed Off, Billy Elliot and The Full Monty as examples of what they hope Untouchable will achieve, having more to say on a social level than simply making people laugh.
And I think, if I could provide any advice or any glimmer of hope, make it a full-time job.
So these folks worked hard to make this incredible film, and I hope that you all take full advantage of this time today -- do you hear me, young people?
We're working on a full review of the MicroConsole and its accompanying controller and hope to bring that to you soon, but if you want a jump on things you'll find a perfectly sensible write-up from our friends at Joystiq, too.
ENGADGET: OnLive MicroConsole official at $99, we go hands-on and bombard you with details
Crammers take full advantage of lengthy and confusing telephone bills to hide deceptive charges and hope no one pays attention long enough to notice.
"We look forward to the result of the police investigation and hope there will be a full and fair public inquiry into our case, " he added.