His eldest brother, Joseph Martin, described him as a happy, popular and "fun-loving" child.
And while my new friends were fun-loving, I was motivated to be with them by insecurity.
Through Barbie, little girls could fantasise about themselves not as mums, but as fun-loving adults.
Wilbur Chapman said his son was a "fun-loving guy" who loved his children.
The Telegraph describes him as hard-working and fun-loving - the trader who appeared to be one long success story.
You wouldn't call Romeo and Juliet the world's most famous fun-loving couple, but they were among the most inspirational.
Australia gets a novel product that maps perfectly with the country's brand--an imaginative, fun-loving place to play and do business.
"Susan, she was real smart, quiet, fun-loving, " says Mohammed Elbaneh, her brother, who struggled to fight back tears as he spoke.
His wit and discipline earn him the respect of most of his colleagues, but cut less ice with the fun-loving, impressionable Italian voter.
His family described him as a "larger than life, fun-loving young man" as they spoke for the first time since he went missing.
Friends and family of Ms. Johnson gathered Sunday at the Mount Vernon home of her mother, Rhonda Johnson, recalling a fun-loving and vibrant young woman.
Friendly, warm, honest and fun-loving, the Spanish know how to have a have a good time, and to make sure visitors have one as well.
She described Andrea as a fun-loving, personable and self-aware young woman.
She described Rebello as a fun-loving, personable and self-aware young woman.
Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon star as Brad and Kate, a fun-loving bourgeois couple from San Francisco who are resistant to marriage and other obligations.
The rest of America looks on bewildered then sends its more fun-loving and inquisitive citizens to the French Quarter for a piece of the action.
His family described him as a "larger than life, fun-loving young man" as they spoke for the first time since he went missing 18 days ago.
Mr Biggs described his friend as "a people's person - no side, no ego, a fun-loving musician who couldn't get enough of life, who loved his family".
The contrast between the fun-loving Brazilian way of life and the discipline needed to stay at the top looks to have become too difficult a line to tread.
This is Brazil at its most freewheeling, fun-loving, colorful best.
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"Yuri was a very bubbly, fun-loving boy, " says Ms Yakovleva, who has spent years studying the life of the cosmonaut and his family, talking to his relatives and friends.
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Now, eight years later, New Orleans is at the forefront of video game development, putting the fun-loving city in competition with major gaming hotspots like Austin, San Francisco, Toronto, and Quebec.
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Robbins, 56, choked back tears as he told the judge that treatment for alcoholism and addiction to prescription medications would be a first step toward becoming "the fun-loving person" he was.
Americans want to remember them as vibrant and fun-loving children, but will that actually shake the conscience of America to do something about how they were gunned down in the classroom?
His father, a violent-tempered autocrat, was appalled to discover that his eldest son, far from being a puritanical boor like himself, showed every sign of developing into a charming, fun-loving youth, with advanced aesthetic tastes.
Reynolds Tobacco Company in a commercial speech case filed by the Federal Trade Commission which challenged their use of the cartoon character, Joe Camel, as an unfair trade practice to target children with the fun-loving character.
With his partner, Carlos (Charlie) Skipsey, Anderson opened joints at resorts throughout the country, under a variety of names, including Carlos 'n Charlie's and El Shrimp Bucket, all of them fun-loving dining establishments goosed by pitchers of margaritas.
Mr. COLEMAN: Yeah, a black man basically with a redneck attitude, kind of a cowboyish kind of guy, you know, kind of out there, fun-loving but, you know, not so out there that, you know, people think, you know, you're a menace or anything like that.
Last week I was back in New Orleans for my first visit in 20 years, and although in town to curate a photography exhibition for the New Orleans Photo Alliance, I was also there to take my own photographs of a city I knew to be incredibly photogenic and full of warm-hearted, fun-loving people.
Abby is your typical fun loving, upbeat 11-year-old girl, who has a love for sports and, much like me when I was her age, she loves to swim.