She drove me in her comfortable taxi around the island, peppering the drive with fun facts.
If you type "fun facts" into the search box, you get a random piece of information using a wide variety of sources.
Other fun facts like fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrates, sugars, fiber and total protein would have to be made available in writing upon request.
While we weren't quite sure what was going on with their insides, the site has confirmed some of our suspicions and detailed a few other fun facts.
ENGADGET: Apple's EarPods get the iFixit teardown treatment, found to basically be earbuds
Other fun facts include Pentax's claim that the camera is the thinnest to offer a 3-inch touchscreen and 3x optical zoom, along wth a 3200 ISO, SDHC compatibility and 20MB of built-in memory.
ENGADGET: Pentax debuts a pair of 7 megapixel Optios, the T30 and M30
On Friday Yahoo's website still hadn't corrected a page titled "Getting to know Yahoo's New CEO" in which the errant computer science degree is listed in one of the "six fun facts" about Mr. Thompson.
But Google may have done ol' Fred (who, incidentally, published "The Trivia Encyclopedia, " a compendium of facts and tidbits that has kept information fans busy for more than three decades) one better, thanks to its latest offering: fun facts.
Kim Maier, executive director of the Old Stone House, offers a couple of other fun Dodger facts: The team was called the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers because trolleys running along Third Avenue made it tricky to get into the park.
Meanwhile, newspapers, magazines and books have faded to shadows of their former selves, as a post-literate generation finds its facts and fun elsewhere.
In addition, there are ever more distribution paths: wireless, telephone lines, cable and satellite all potentially compete to carry facts and fun into people's homes.
It has an award-winning amalgamation of fun, photos and facts.
It is all good fun, yet among the anecdotes and curious facts the science content is deceptively high.