The trial did not meet its primary endpoint, a joint rank analysis of function and survival, and no efficacy was seen in the individual components of function or survival.
You know, it's not a function just of looking backwards, it's a function of looking forwards and how are we going to be making a series of decisions in a very dangerous world.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
And yet most tracks of this ilk function perfectly well on another, more innocent level - ambiguity being a necessary function of addressing such themes while also hoping to get played on the radio, according to the Daily Telegraph's chief rock critic Neil McCormick.
And so part of the function of this gathering is for all of you to share your best ideas, your best practices.
This assertion, which the High Court has now dismissed, is both inappropriate and inconsistent with the nature of the function of this advisory body.
It's a story of revolution, of dismantling, reconstructing and then coming to terms with the past, and of the function of art during tumultuous times.
What price-earnings ratio to put on the market is more of a function of the going inflation rate and the confidence level of the recession's depth and duration.
Lorca's theory - which many researchers today would agree with - was that a large part of the function of the lullaby is to help a mother vocalise her worries and concerns.
It's incredibly exciting, the idea that we might actually take these cells, for example, to develop some heart tissue, inject some of those cells into a heart that has been damaged and restore some of the function of that heart.
One such activity was the experts meeting hosted by UNESCO on 10 June 2011 to provide input for the first plenary on institutional arrangements and modalities of IPBES, and to focus, in particular, on possible elements for the generation of knowledge function of IPBES. There are many important details to be decided in Nairobi and DIVERSITAS members, notably UNESCO, will continue to be actively involved.
The basic problem is that the hormones in the pill itself, the hormones which produce the desired contraceptive effect, then end up in the sewage system as part of the normal function of kidneys and bladders in human beings.
FORBES: Women on Contraceptive Pill Should Pay $1,500 a Year More Tax
Some of that is the function of how long it actually takes for a bank to foreclose.
Dr Page's model of the initial wave function of the universe is, as he would be the first to admit, far too simplistic.
Part of that is a function of how the two bodies work, and part of it is a difference in perspective on how to best approach financial reform.
"The bone that was recovered from the Hadar site has all the hallmarks of the form and function of the modern human foot, " he told the BBC.
Much of our GDP is a function of amounts already owed and additional debt we expect to incur.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff Deferred, Tax Legislation Is only Part of the Equation
Stress also causes the release of chemicals that impair the function of the prefrontal cortex, home of higher level thinking.
Making the processing of the voice recognition a function of the hardware of the device, makes that aspect of the application asynchronous with the actual database query.
FORBES: Client vs. Server Architecture: Why Google Voice Search Is Also Much Faster Than Siri
In addition, probiotics can help improve the function of your immune system and improve digestive function in general -- so I'm not surprised that you feel better after adding probiotics to your diet.
Human societies will thus continue to search for new sources of water, but the cost of procuring water is a function of the combined cost of extraction, harvesting, transportation, treatment, storage, and delivery.
Of course documentation is just one function of brush and pen, now scarcely used outside the courtroom.
FORBES: Why Founding Photographer William Henry Fox Talbot Would Have Grokked Photoshop
And the welfare of our citizenry is really a function of our ability to compete in global markets.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board | The White House
Just over a year ago, my wife wrote a small check for an end-of-the-year school function of some sort.
And the likelihood of getting caught is largely a function of Congressional funding of investigations and prosecutions of white collar crime.
FORBES: Is the Current Wave of Insider Trading Cases a Deterrent to Others?
Part of the rebound has been a function of the slump's depths.
At the Institute, capturing the attention and interest of incredibly busy people is a function of how creatively we design engagement and the opportunities for sharing information.
The results of the study, detailed in the Lancet, revealed a "striking" difference in the stiffness and elasticity of the arterial wall and the function of the lining of the arteries.
But the spread between the price of the raw material and the price of the finished good is a function of the supply of ethylene-making capacity and the demand for ethylene.
This international conference will gather various experts, history museums directors, curators and historians across the region and beyond, so as to hold a comparative exchange of views on the role and function of prominent History Museums today.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The time required for the FDA to review the data on and approve a new drug--about 18 months--has been essentially unchanged for the past decade, while the duration of clinical testing (largely a function of FDA requirements) has gradually increased.