Biologically, physiologically, functionally - there's no difference between real altitude and these artificial hypoxic environments.
However, the researchers said it was "unclear" why only some patients were functionally cured.
Watson, however, is functionally blind and deaf, so it cannot answer audio or video Daily Doubles.
Watson, however, is functionally blind and deaf, so it cannot answer audio or video Daily Double.
Functionally, the voucher converts online promotion into an online purchase and subsequent offline redemption.
FORBES: The Local Deals Market Version 2.0: Syndicated Commerce
Accordingly, it is estimated that only about 50% of rural women are functionally illiterate.
In my previous post, I argued that, functionally, software gathers, manipulates or displays data.
FORBES: Two Challenges to Fixing Software Patents (Part 2 of 3)
More risky are cases where generic drugs are not functionally equivalent to the brand-name drug.
Made of forged stainless steel and finished with rich, polished walnut handles, they are also functionally tough.
To be functionally fluent in a language, for instance, in most cases you need about 1, 200 words.
FORBES: Tim Ferriss: What Cooking Can Teach You About Learning
In addition to "structurally deficient, " another bridge classification is "functionally obsolete, " according to the Federal Highway Administration.
In 2005, in fact, they found that 156, 000 bridges were structurally deficient or, as they said, functionally obsolete.
Functionally, they work a lot like folders, except that messages can be tagged with more than one label.
Indeed, the smartphone apps are explicitly designed to mirror the site, not just style-wise but functionally as well.
In Dakar, traffic lights are functionally non-existent, and thousands of cars navigate the streets though irregularly placed roundabouts.
Overall, one third of the indigenous population is considered to be functionally illiterate.
Arizona and Rhode Island have a similar number of structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridges -- 384 and 405 respectively.
Ninety-five percent of strategic intelligence firms use CI to drive corporate strategy versus 30% of those we categorize as functionally intelligent.
FORBES: It's Time For Business Leaders To Embrace Customer Intelligence
Instead of coming off as sexy and vacuous, the wonk in the hipster glasses presents as functionally unisex and extremely content-rich.
The bridge had been rated "functionally obsolete, " according to a federal database, but state officials said it was safe to drive on.
He said 5-15% of patients may be functionally cured, meaning they no longer needed drugs, by attacking the virus soon after infection.
It did this functionally if not impressively quickly using Microsoft's Remote Display Protocol over the slower Wi-Fi networks available at the time.
What is the difference between the Army and the Marines, functionally speaking?
FORBES: What Should A Young Person Know And Consider Before Joining The Military?
The researchers who presented this case study say there is clear proof the infant was infected and that the infection is functionally gone.
Even though functionally the Series 3 and HD models are nearly identical, it turns out that internally they're not quite the same beast.
Functionally obsolete is a different story, Stidger said, explaining that bridges carrying this tag also carry major design problems, diminishing their load-carrying capacity.
Casey Dinges, a staff leader on the report card, said "structurally deficient" and "functionally obsolete" are technical terms used by the federal government.
Engineering is to focus by product and service functionally, with some of the new invention, such as video, coming from an Emerging Business Group.
Functionally, they're almost identical: use a stylus to scratch your message into the panel then, when you're done, simply press a button to erase it.
In the 1970s battery-powered quartz watches made mechanical ones functionally obsolete.